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[英]Does spring-boot-configuration-processor process annotated bean methods?

Does spring-boot-configuration-processor process annotated bean methods? spring-boot-configuration-processor处理带注释的bean方法? Because in my case, it doesn't. 因为就我而言,事实并非如此。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

public class DatasourceConnectionPoolProperties {
  private Integer initialSize;
  private Integer maxIdle;
  private Integer minIdle;
  private Integer timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis;
  private Integer minEvictableIdleTimeMillis;
  private Boolean testOnBorrow;
  private String validationQuery;

And somewhere in @Configuration-annotated class: 在@Configuration注释的类中的某处:

protected DatasourceConnectionPoolProperties localPoolProperties() {
  return new DatasourceConnectionPoolProperties();

During compilation, no metadata generated. 编译期间,未生成任何元数据。 But, when DatasourceConnectionPoolProperties gets annotated with @ConfigurationProperties metadata generated. 但是,当DatasourceConnectionPoolProperties用生成的@ConfigurationProperties元数据注释时。

Did I make mistake somewhere, or it's just spring-boot-configuration-processor limitations? 我是在某个地方犯了错误,还是仅仅是spring-boot-configuration-processor限制?

它可以,但是注释处理器仅查找public方法,而您的则protected (顺便说一句,对于@Bean方法,这是非常不寻常的)。


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