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javascript onclick window.open自动触发

[英]javascript onclick window.open automatically fires

The problem here is that whenever I open the page. 这里的问题是,每当我打开页面时。 the link is automatically opens, sometimes it opens 3 new windows without clicking the div 链接会自动打开,有时会在不单击div的情况下打开3个新窗口

<div onTouchTap={window.open(a)}> TEST </div>

can you please provide your input? 您能提供您的意见吗? or suggest any other alternatives. 或提出其他选择。 by the way I am using ReactJS 我正在使用ReactJS

You need to provide a function to the onTouchTap, you are actually executing window.open(a) . 您需要为onTouchTap提供一个函数,您实际上是在执行window.open(a)

You could do something like: 您可以执行以下操作:

<div onTouchTap={() => window.open(a)}> TEST </div>

I describe a similar solution and some of the caveats in another answer: 我在另一个答案中描述了类似的解决方案和一些注意事项:

https://stackoverflow.com/a/37771414/350933 https://stackoverflow.com/a/37771414/350933

It's very common mistake. 这是很常见的错误。 There must be a function () => {window.open(a)} or window.open.bind(null, a) as onTouchTap handler, but you are trying to put function call here, so it calls every time when your div rendering 必须有一个函数() => {window.open(a)}window.open.bind(null, a)作为onTouchTap处理程序,但是您尝试将函数调用放在此处,因此每次在div时都会调用渲染

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