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[英]ASP.NET MVC routing URLs starting with numbers

Obviously in C# classes are not allowed to start with a number so how do I create controllers for URLs that start with a number in ASP.NET 4.6? 显然,在C#中,类不允许以数字开头,因此如何为ASP.NET 4.6中以数字开头的URL创建控制器?

Example URL: 范例网址:


EDIT: Routing each URL individually will quickly become a pain to manage. 编辑:单独路由每个URL将很快变得难以管理。 Ideally, I'm looking for a solution that handles all number URLs. 理想情况下,我正在寻找一种可以处理所有数字URL的解决方案。 So that the above URL example routes to _40apples controller, 300cherries to _300cherries and 1orange to _1orange 因此,上述网址示例将路由到_40apples控制器,300樱桃到_300樱桃以及1orange到_1orange

You will have to use custom routing, in your RegisterRoutes method you could add another route that looks something like this: 您将必须使用自定义路由,在RegisterRoutes方法中,您可以添加其他类似于以下内容的路由:

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

            "ApplesRoute",                                           // Route name
            "40apples/{action}",                            // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "Apples", action = "Index" }  // Parameter defaults

            "Default",                                              // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{id}",                           // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }  // Parameter defaults

If you would want your route to catch anything starting with a number + apples you could use a regex-constraint. 如果您希望自己的路线捕获以数字+苹果开头的所有内容,则可以使用正则表达式约束。 Something like this: 像这样:

        "ApplesRoute",                                           // Route name
        "{number}apples/{action}",                            // URL with parameters
        new { controller = "Apples", action = "Index" }  // Parameter defaults
       ,new {number = @"\d+" } //constraint

An even more generic approach would be to catch all routes that starts with a number + a word. 更为通用的方法是捕获以数字+单词开头的所有路由。 Then you could build your route and constraints something like this: 然后,您可以构建路线和约束,如下所示:

        "NumbersRoute",                                           // Route name
        "{numberfruit}/{action}",                            // URL with parameters
        new { controller = "Numbers", action = "Index" }  // Parameter defaults
       ,new { numberfruit = @"\d+[A-Za-z]" } //constraint

EDIT after discussion with Organic: 与Organic讨论后编辑:

The approach that solved the problem in this case was using attribute routing. 解决这种情况的方法是使用属性路由。 Which works well if you're using mvc 5 or greater. 如果您使用的是mvc 5或更高版本,则效果很好。

Then you would add an attribute route similar to this to your controller: 然后,您可以向控制器添加与此类似的属性路由:


And then another route to every specific action: 然后是执行每个特定操作的另一条路线:


Do not forget to add routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes(); 不要忘记添加routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes(); to your route config. 到您的路由配置。

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