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左值/右值参数的std :: result_of

[英]std::result_of for lvalue/rvalue arguments

I noticed this behavior of std::result_of when playing around: 我在玩耍时注意到了std::result_of这种行为:

struct Foo {
    int operator()(const int&) const { ... }
    char operator()(int&&) const { ... }

result_of_t<Foo(const int&)> a;  // int
result_of_t<Foo(int&&)>      b;  // char
result_of_t<Foo(int)>        c;  // char -- why?

Why does std::result_of prefer the function taking an rvalue reference for the third case? 为什么std::result_of在第三种情况下更喜欢采用右值引用的函数?

std::result_of when given non-reference parameters presumes they are rvalues. 当给定的非参考参数假定它们是右值时, std::result_of

In fact, std::result_of_t<A(B)> is the same as std::result_of_t<A(B&&)> in almost all cases. 实际上, std::result_of_t<A(B)>是相同std::result_of_t<A(B&&)>在几乎所有情况下。

You can see some possibile implementations here if you want to see why. 如果您想了解原因,则可以在此处看到一些可能的实现 Basically, result_of_t<A(B)> does a decltype( std::declval<A>()(std::declval<B>()) ) (ignoring member function pointer cases), and a B&& rvalue reference and a temporary B will invoke the same overloads of any operator() on an A . 基本上, result_of_t<A(B)>进行decltype( std::declval<A>()(std::declval<B>()) ) (忽略成员函数指针的情况),以及B&& rvalue引用和临时B将调用与A上任何operator()相同的重载。

There are three primary value categories (lvalue, prvalue and xvalue), and three reference qualifiers (none, & and && ). 共有三个主要值类别 (lvalue,prvalue和xvalue)和三个参考限定符 (none, &&& )。

Clearly it makes sense that & should designate lvalue category and && should designate xvalue; 显然, &应该指定左值类别, &&应该指定xvalue有意义。 it follows that an omitted reference qualifier should designate prvalue. 因此,省略的参考限定符应指定prvalue。

Note that this is the same as you would get for a function with the corresponding return type: 请注意,这与具有相应返回类型的函数所获得的相同:

int f(); // returns prvalue int
int& f(); // returns lvalue reference to int
int&& f(); // returns xvalue reference to int

And in your case: 在您的情况下:

const int& f();
int&& g();
int h();

decltype(Foo{}(f())) a;  // int
decltype(Foo{}(g())) b;  // char
decltype(Foo{}(h())) c;  // char

So you can see that result_of is just showing what decltype would tell you. 因此,您可以看到result_of只是显示了decltype会告诉您什么。

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