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[英]Handling masked numpy array

I have masked numpy array. 我已经屏蔽了numpy数组。 While doing processing for each of the element, I need to first check whether the particular element is masked or not, if masked then I need to skip those element. 在对每个元素进行处理时,我需要首先检查特定元素是否被遮罩,如果被遮罩,则需要跳过那些元素。

I have tried like this : 我已经这样尝试过:

from netCDF4 import Dataset


for i in range(0,dim_size)
    try :

    except :



Is there other efficient way to do this, please do let me know. 还有其他有效的方法可以做到这一点,请告诉我。 Your suggestion or comments are highly appreciated. 非常感谢您的建议或意见。

Instead of a loop you could use 可以使用循环代替循环

correction = model_dry_tropo_corr/2 + solid_earth_tide

This will create a new masked array that will have your answers and masks. 这将创建一个新的蒙版数组,其中包含您的答案和蒙版。 You could then access unmasked values from new array. 然后,您可以从新数组访问未屏蔽的值。

I'm puzzled about this code 我对此代码感到困惑

try :

except :

I don't have netCDF4 installed, but it appears from the documentation that your variable will look like, maybe even be a numpy.ma masked array. 我没有安装netCDF4 ,但是从文档中可以看到您的变量看起来像,甚至可能是numpy.ma掩码数组。

It would be helpful if you printed all or part of this variable, with attributes like shape and dtype. 如果您打印此变量的全部或一部分,并且具有shape和dtype之类的属性,将很有帮助。

I can make a masked array with an expression like: 我可以使用以下表达式制作蒙版数组:

In [746]: M=np.ma.masked_where(np.arange(10)%3==0,np.arange(10))

In [747]: M
masked_array(data = [-- 1 2 -- 4 5 -- 7 8 --],
             mask = [ True False False  True False False  True False False  True],
       fill_value = 999999)

I can test whether mask for a given element if True/False with: 我可以使用以下命令测试给定元素的掩码是否为True / False:

In [748]: M.mask[2]
Out[748]: False

In [749]: M.mask[3]
Out[749]: True

But if I index first, 但是如果我先索引

In [754]: M[2]
Out[754]: 2

In [755]: M[3]
Out[755]: masked

In [756]: M[2].mask=True
AttributeError: 'numpy.int32' object has no attribute 'mask'

In [757]: M[3].mask=True

So yes, your try/except will skip the elements that have the mask set True. 因此,可以,您的try / except将跳过掩码设置为True的元素。

But I think it would be clear to do: 但是我认为这样做很明显:

 if model_dry_tropo_corr.mask[i]:

But that is still iterative. 但这仍然是迭代的。

But as @user3404344 showed, you could perform the math with the variables. 但是,正如@user3404344所示,您可以使用变量执行数学运算。 Masking will carry over. 遮罩将继续。 That could though be a problem if masked values are 'bad' and cause errors in the calculation. 如果被屏蔽的值是“错误的”并导致计算错误,那可能是个问题。

If I define another masked array 如果我定义另一个蒙版数组

In [764]: N=np.ma.masked_where(np.arange(10)%4==0,np.arange(10))

In [765]: N+M
masked_array(data = [-- 2 4 -- -- 10 -- 14 -- --],
             mask = [ True False False  True  True False  True False  True  True],
       fill_value = 999999)

you can see how elements that were masked in either M or N are masked in the result 您可以看到在结果中如何掩盖了MN被掩盖的元素

I can used the compressed method to give only the valid elements 我可以使用compressed方法仅给出有效元素

In [766]: (N+M).compressed()
Out[766]: array([ 2,  4, 10, 14])

filling can also be handy when doing math with masked arrays: 使用掩码数组进行数学运算时,填充也很方便:

In [779]: N.filled(0)+M.filled(0)
Out[779]: array([ 0,  2,  4,  3,  4, 10,  6, 14,  8,  9])

I could use filled to neutralize problem calculations, and still mask those values 我可以使用filled来中和问题计算,并仍然掩盖这些值

In [785]: z=np.ma.masked_array(N.filled(0)+M.filled(0),mask=N.mask|M.mask)

In [786]: z
masked_array(data = [-- 2 4 -- -- 10 -- 14 -- --],
             mask = [ True False False  True  True False  True False  True  True],
       fill_value = 999999)

Oops, I don't need to worry about the masked values messing the calculation. 糟糕,我不必担心掩码值会使计算混乱。 The masked addition is doing the filling for me 蒙面的添加物正在为我做馅

In [787]: (N+M).data   
Out[787]: array([ 0,  2,  4,  3,  4, 10,  6, 14,  8,  9])

In [788]: N.data+M.data    # raw unmasked addition
Out[788]: array([ 0,  2,  4,  6,  8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18])

In [789]: z.data     # same as the (N+M).data
Out[789]: array([ 0,  2,  4,  3,  4, 10,  6, 14,  8,  9])

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