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Python telnet 连接成功

[英]Python telnet connection successful

I'm wondering if it is possible to know if my telnet connection is successful?我想知道是否可以知道我的 telnet 连接是否成功?

So, if I'm connected to my switch and if I could write commands所以,如果我连接到我的交换机并且我可以写命令

telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(IP)
telnet.read_until(b"User Name:")
# Here I want to know if I'm connected

You could go this way:你可以这样走:

def is_connected(telnet_obj ):
    answer = telnet_obj.read_all()
    if "connected" in answer:             #this test condition is not real is an example
        return True
        return False

If you observe what yout router/switch returns you can test for that condition.如果您观察路由器/交换机返回的内容,您可以测试该条件。 In this case testing for the presence of a string or lack in the answer variable.在这种情况下,测试答案变量中是否存在字符串或缺少字符串。

Don't use read_all if you plan on writing something after authentication.如果您打算在身份验证后编写一些内容,请不要使用read_all It blocks the connection until EOF is reached / connection is closed.它会阻止连接,直到达到EOF /连接关闭。

First check the output telnet server is giving when an authentication is successful using putty or something else.首先检查输出 telnet 服务器在使用腻子或其他东西进行身份验证成功时给出的输出。 read_untill the string to be matched after authentication. read_untill认证后要匹配的字符串。

telnet = telnetlib.Telnet(IP)
telnet.read_until(b"User Name:")

telnet.read_untill("string to be matched")

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