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HTML5 canvas元素上的滚动验证

[英]Scroll validation on HTML5 canvas elements

This is a follow up from a previous question I asked a few weeks ago. 这是我几周前问的一个先前问题的跟进。

I've got two lines of scrolling boxes where there is now validation in place to prevent scrolling past the first box, but I'm having difficulty working out how to do something similar in the opposite direction to prevent scrolling past the last box. 我有两行滚动框,其中现在有验证以防止滚动到第一个框之外,但是我很难确定如何在相反方向执行类似的操作以防止滚动到最后一个框。

This is the code that handles the scroll event from one row: 这是处理一行滚动事件的代码:

first = Object.keys(boxes)[0];
lScroll += e.deltaY;

if (lScroll < 0) {
    canlScroll = true;
} else {
    canlScroll = false;
    lScroll = 0;

Object.keys(boxes).forEach(function(key) {
    if(canlScroll && boxes[key]['s'] == 'l') {
        boxes[key]['y'] += e.deltaY;

if (!canlScroll && lScroll == 0) {
    if (boxes[first]['y'] < 10) {
        var delta = 10 - boxes[first]['y'];

            if(boxes[key]['s'] == 'l') {
                boxes[key]['y'] += delta;

Full example working here: https://jsfiddle.net/hbd6nL4e/1/ 在此处工作的完整示例: https//jsfiddle.net/hbd6nL4e/1/

This could be a solution to your problem: RE-EDITED: 这可以解决您的问题:重新编辑:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var c = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
  var ctx = c.getContext('2d');

  c.addEventListener("mousewheel", scrolling, false);

  c.ctx = ctx;
  c.c = c;

  draw(ctx, c);

function draw(ctx, c) {
    // clear canvas for redraw
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);

    // draw shapes
    Object.keys(boxes).forEach(function (key) {
        ctx.fillStyle = "#999";
        ctx.fillRect(boxes[key].x, boxes[key].y, boxes[key].w, boxes[key].h);

function scrolling(e) {
    var mouseX = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft;

  // scroll left boxes
    if (mouseX <= 400) {
        first = Object.keys(boxes)[0];
        lScroll += e.deltaY;
        if (lScroll < 0 && (lScroll>=(Object.keys(boxes).length/2)*(-100))) {

            canlScroll = true;
        } else {if (lScroll<(Object.keys(boxes).length/2)*(-100)){
            lScroll = (Object.keys(boxes).length/2)*(-100);
            canlScroll = false;//console.log("final down:"+lScroll);

          else  {lScroll = 0; canlScroll = false;//console.log("final up:"+lScroll);

        Object.keys(boxes).forEach(function(key) {
                if(canlScroll && boxes[key].s === 'l') {
                    boxes[key].y += Math.round(e.deltaY/1.65);

        if (!canlScroll && lScroll === 0) {
            if (boxes[first].y < 10) {
                var delta = 10 - boxes[first].y;

                    if(boxes[key].s === 'l') {
                        boxes[key].y += Math.round(delta);

  // scroll right boxes
    } else {
        first = Object.keys(boxes)[12];
        rScroll += e.deltaY;

        if (rScroll < 0 && (rScroll>=(Object.keys(boxes).length/2)*(-100))) {

            canrScroll = true;
        } else {if (rScroll<(Object.keys(boxes).length/2)*(-100)){
            rScroll = (Object.keys(boxes).length/2)*(-100);
            canrScroll = false;//console.log("final down:"+rScroll);

          else  {rScroll = 0; canrScroll = false;//console.log("final up:"+rScroll);

        Object.keys(boxes).forEach(function(key) {
                if(canrScroll && boxes[key].s == 'r') {
                    boxes[key].y += (e.deltaY/1.65);

        if (!canrScroll && rScroll === 0) {
            if (boxes[first].y < 10) {
                var delta = 10 - boxes[first].y;
                    if(boxes[key].s == 'r') {
                        boxes[key].y += delta;


    draw(e.target.ctx, e.target.c);

Edited and now it is working with both mouse and pointer pad. 已编辑,现在可以同时使用鼠标和指针板。 The reason why it was not functioning is because mouse and pointer pad deltaY are very different: one is 100px steps the other 2.5px. 之所以不能正常工作,是因为鼠标和指针垫的deltaY差异很大:一个是100px,另一个是2.5px。 Now the only issue is that firefox is not handling it, in fact it works just on Chrome. 现在唯一的问题是firefox无法处理它,实际上它只能在Chrome上运行。

Check it here: http://output.jsbin.com/gobaguhehe 在此处检查: http : //output.jsbin.com/gobaguhehe

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