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[英]Send message using telegram bot with Node.js

I'm doing a service to warn me of possible errors that can occur on my server , my doubt is , after I send a message as I finalize the execution or the way it is presenting the image below normal? 我正在做一项服务,以警告我服务器上可能发生的错误,我的疑问是,在我确定执行结果或以低于正常的方式显示图像的方式发送消息后,我会发出警告吗? For to complete the task I have to take a ctrl + c 为了完成任务,我必须按ctrl + c

code: 码:

var util = require('util');

var TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api');

var token = '237907874:AAG8hK1lPWi1WRlqQT2';

var bot = new TelegramBot(token, {polling: true});

var millisecondsToWait = 5000;

robot = {
    "alert": function teste(message) {
        var toId = '-103822200';
        var resp = util.format('alerta: %s', message);
        bot.sendMessage(toId, resp);


in cmd i execute this code 在cmd中我执行此代码

node.exe bot.js 'text send'

this is image 这是图像

Looks like some error occurs but not captured: 似乎发生了一些错误,但未捕获:

var robot = { // Don't forget about var :)
    "alert": function teste(message) {
        var toId = '-103822200';
        var resp = util.format('alerta: %s', message);
        bot.sendMessage(toId, resp)
        .catch(function(error){ // Catch possible error

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