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[英]regex to replace the special characters

I have the following code 我有以下代码

 <span id="{{policy.pname}}_query" class="policy-tag">{{policy.policy_groups[0].query}}</span> 

and the output of 和的输出


is tags:(taga || tagb || tagc) tags:(taga || tagb || tagc)

and I want regex to delete the first character '(' , the last ')' and replace '||' 我希望正则表达式删除第一个字符'(',最后一个')'并替换'||' with ',' 与“,”

so the final output is tags:taga,tagb,tagc 所以最终输出是tags:taga,tagb,tagc

Have tried it but no lucks. 尝试过但没有失败。 I can do this from controller but not right in the html. 我可以从控制器执行此操作,但不能在html中执行此操作。 Any help is greatly appreciated. 任何帮助是极大的赞赏。

-kim -kim

Essentially this: 本质上是这样的:

 console.log( 'tags:(taga || tagb || tagc)'.replace(/\\(|\\)/g, "").replace(/\\s*\\|\\|\\s*/g, ",") ) 

Explanation: 说明:

  / <-- open regex
  \( <-- find literal opening parenthesis
  | <-- or
  \) <-- find literal closing parenthesis
  /g <-- in the whole string
  ,  <-- "replace" method delimiter
  "" <-- replace with empty string
  / <-- open regex again
  \s* <-- find zero or more spaces
  \| <-- find a pipe
  \| <-- find another pipe
  \s* <-- find zero or more spaces after that
  /g <-- in the whole string
  , <-- "replace" method delimiter
  "," <-- replace with commas

This regex assumes that there are no parenthesis in your tags, if that is not the case, let me know and I'll update this to address that. 此正则表达式假定您的标记中没有括号,如果不是这种情况,请告诉我,我将对此进行更新。

I hope that helps! 希望对您有所帮助!

假设您可以使用替换过滤器( https://www.npmjs.com/package/angularjs-filters

 <span id="{{policy.pname}}_query" class="policy-tag">{{policy.policy_groups[0].query | string.replace:"/([\\(\\)]| *\\|{2} *)/": "," }}</span> 

You could also do this without regular expressions. 您也可以不使用正则表达式来执行此操作。 More verbose, but easier to read and maintain. 更详细,但更易于阅读和维护。

var string = policy.policy_groups[0].query;
var first = string.indexOf('(');
var last = string.indexOf(')');
string = string.substring(0, first) + string.substring(first + 1, last) + string.substring(last + 1);
string.split(' || ').join(',');

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