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Mongoose Node Js加入两个集合

[英]Mongoose Node Js Join two collections

I am new to MEAN Stack and I am developing application using Node Js. 我是MEAN Stack的新手,正在使用Node Js开发应用程序。

I have two collections say, 我有两个收藏说

 var personSchema = Schema({ _id: Number, name: String, age: Number, stories: { type: Array, ref: 'Story' } }); var storySchema = Schema({ _creator: { type: Number }, story_id: String, fans: [{ type: Number }] }); var Story = mongoose.model('Story', storySchema); var Person = mongoose.model('Person', personSchema); 

In Person schema, the stories is a list of story_id which is an array of values. 在“ Person模式中, storiesstory_id的列表,该列表是一个值数组。 I need to list out all the persons data with their stories details also. 我还需要列出所有人员数据以及他们的故事详细信息。

I have used, Person.find().populate("stories"); 我用过Person.find().populate("stories");
But it throws error, 但这会引发错误,

  [CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed
    for value "26747261"
    at path "_id"
  message: 'Cast to ObjectId failed for value "26747261" at path "_id"',
    name: 'CastError',
    kind: 'ObjectId',
    value: 26747261,
    path: '_id',
    reason: undefined

Please help. 请帮忙。

The reason you are getting the CastError is that you are not storing a list of story ids as you intended in the Person schema: 出现CastError的原因是您没有按照Person模式中的预期存储故事ID列表:

 var personSchema = Schema({
   stories : { type: Array, ref: 'Story' }

Instead you should change it to: 相反,您应该将其更改为:

 var personSchema = Schema({
   stories : [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Story' }]

Also note the following (from Mongoose's documentation on population) 另请注意以下(从猫鼬的文档人口)

ObjectId, Number, String, and Buffer are valid for use as refs. ObjectId,Number,String和Buffer有效用作引用。

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