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[英]Ajax form submit in yii framework

I am sure the problem is with ajax. 我确信问题出在ajax。 Without ajax it is fine. 没有ajax,那就很好。 This is my javascript code: 这是我的JavaScript代码:

 var frm = $('#register-form');
   $(document).on('submit', '#register-form', function (e) {


            type: frm.attr('method'),
            url: frm.attr('action'),
            data: frm.serialize(),
            success: function (data) {
                alert('Form was submitted!');



The form is: 形式是:

 <form class="formclass" method="POST" action="<?php echo Yii::$app->request->baseUrl;?>/telephone/addnow/" role="form" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="register-form" novalidate="novalidate">

And the controller action is: 控制器的动作是:

   public function actionAddnow()
                      //codes here

The problem is that when I click the submit button, nothing is happening. 问题是,当我单击提交按钮时,没有任何反应。

I see that you are using multipart/form-data, i figure that you are sending files whitin yhe form. 我看到您正在使用multipart / form-data,我认为您正在通过表单发送文件。

In that case you shuldent use: 在这种情况下,您应该避免使用:

data: frm.serialize(),

insted 插入

data: new FormData(frm),

Also you said that when you click submit nothing is hapend, but i think that you should be able to see a error in your browser console. 您还说过,当您单击“提交”时,没有任何提示,但是我认为您应该能够在浏览器控制台中看到错误。 That could be usefull info. 那可能是有用的信息。

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