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如何通过Javascript API检索linkedin用户的完整资料

[英]How to retrieve full profile of linkedin user via Javascript API

I am trying to retrieve the full profile (especially job history and educational qualifications) of a linkedin user via the Javascript API.我正在尝试通过 Javascript API 检索linkedin 用户的完整个人资料(尤其是工作经历和学历)。 I have managed to piece together the following code from google and stack overflow:我已经设法从谷歌和堆栈溢出中拼凑出以下代码:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform.linkedin.com/in.js">
    api_key:   blahblahblah
    onLoad:    onLinkedInLoad
    authorize: true

<script type="text/javascript">
function onLinkedInLoad() {
   IN.Event.on(IN, "auth", onLinkedInAuth);
function onLinkedInAuth() {
   // IN.API.Profile("me").fields(["industry", "network", "date-of-birth", "educations:(id,school-name)"]).result(displayProfiles);
function displayProfiles(profiles) {
   member = profiles.values[0];
   document.getElementById("profiles").innerHTML =
   "<p id=\"" + member.id + "\">Hello " + member.firstName + " " + member.lastName + "</p>";

   for(education in profiles.educations) {
      var id = education.id;
      var name = education.schoolName;
<script type="IN/Login"></script>
<div id="profiles"></div>

This manages to retrieve the logged in user's name and surname after they grant access.这设法在授予访问权限后检索登录用户的姓名和姓氏。 However it completely fails to retrieve anything else.然而,它完全无法检索其他任何东西。 I am using a company login for linkedin and I can access all the user's information via the rest api, so it's not an access issue;我正在使用公司登录名进行linkedin,我可以通过rest api访问所有用户的信息,所以这不是访问问题; I just don't know (and can't find any examples) of how to use the Javascript API.我只是不知道(也找不到任何示例)如何使用 Javascript API。 How would I specify what information to retrieve and how would I then identify that information in the returned JSON object?我将如何指定要检索的信息以及如何在返回的 JSON 对象中识别该信息?

Seems to work on my end by using a variation of the call you had commented out: Check the fields you can use, you had "network" in there but it is not listed. 似乎可以使用您注释掉的呼叫的一种变体来实现我的目的:检查您可以使用的字段 ,您那里有“网络”,但未列出。 Maybe it was part of an older version of the API? 也许它是旧版API的一部分?

function onLinkedInAuth() {
  // IN.API.Profile('me').result(displayProfiles);
    'first-name', 'last-name', // Add these to get the name
    'industry', 'date-of-birth', 'educations:(id,school-name)',
    'positions' // Add this one to get the job history

Then you can work with the returned data like this: 然后,您可以像这样处理返回的数据:

function displayProfiles(profiles) {
  var member = profiles.values[0];

  // Note that these values are arrays and not objects
  var educations = member.educations.values;
  var positions = member.positions.values;

  document.getElementById('profiles').innerHTML =
   '<p id="' + member.id + '">Hello ' + member.firstName + ' ' + member.lastName + '</p>';

   educations.forEach(function(edu) {
     var id = edu.id;
     var name = edu.schoolName;
     console.log(id, name);

   positions.forEach(function(position) {
     // Do some work with each position...

If you want to fetch user profile data then you can modify the linkedin profile badge using javascript and get data of user without authtoken and api如果要获取用户个人资料数据,则可以使用 javascript 修改linkedin 个人资料徽章,并在没有 authtoken 和 api 的情况下获取用户数据

LinkedIn-Profile-Data-Fetch-Without-API-Using Javascript with profile badge LinkedIn-Profile-Data-Fetch-Without-API-使用带有个人资料徽章的 Javascript

 let lkList = ["devsalmanshaikh", "ravi95"]; let linkedinid = ""; let idx = 0; let badgeElm = document.getElementById("hideBadgeElm"); let waitObserver; getData(); function getData() { linkedinid = lkList[idx]; badgeElm.innerHTML = `<div class="badge-base LI-profile-badge" data-locale="en_US" data-size="medium" data-theme="light" data-type="VERTICAL" data-vanity="${linkedinid}" data-version="v1"><a class="badge-base__link LI-simple-link" href="https://in.linkedin.com/in/${linkedinid}?trk=profile-badge">.</a></div>`; loadProfileJs(); } function loadProfileJs() { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.onload = function() { waitObserver = setInterval(domObserve, 1000); }; script.src = "https://platform.linkedin.com/badges/js/profile.js"; document.head.appendChild(script); } function domObserve() { let state = badgeElm.querySelector(".LI-profile-badge .profile-badge__header"); if (state) { clearInterval(waitObserver); console.log(state); let json = { id: linkedinid, img: "#", name: "Not available", title: "Not available", info: "Not available", }; if (badgeElm.querySelector("img.profile-badge__content-profile-image")) { json.img = badgeElm.querySelector("img.profile-badge__content-profile-image").src; } if (badgeElm.querySelector(".profile-badge__content-profile-name")) { json.name = badgeElm.querySelector(".profile-badge__content-profile-name").innerText; } if (badgeElm.querySelector(".profile-badge__content-profile-headline")) { json.title = badgeElm.querySelector(".profile-badge__content-profile-headline").innerText; } if (badgeElm.querySelector(".profile-badge__content-profile-company-school-info")) { json.info = badgeElm.querySelector(".profile-badge__content-profile-company-school-info").innerText; } showData(json); } } function showData(json) { let tbl = "<table border=1><tbody>"; for (i in json) tbl += `<tr><td class='col0'>${i}</td><td class='col1'>${json[i]}</td></tr>`; output.innerHTML += tbl + "</tbody></table>"; idx++; if (idx < lkList.length) getData(); }
 <div id="output" style="padding: 12px;"></div> <div id="hideBadgeElm" style="display: none;"></div>

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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