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SQL Case语句:Where子句中

[英]SQL Case Statement: Inside Where Clause

I have read some other Q&A about case statements inside the 'WHERE' clause, but I cannot truly understand how to use it. 我已经阅读了有关“ WHERE”子句中的case语句的其他问答,但我无法真正理解如何使用它。 I will post below a snippet of the code. 我将在代码片段下方发布。 I believe I am ignorant of a fundamental principle concerning how to use a case statement, and this is why the code will not compile/run. 我相信我对有关如何使用case语句的基本原理一无所知,这就是为什么代码不会编译/运行的原因。 I appreciate any help. 感谢您的帮助。

where i.status IN ('CR','L','O')
and i.FGCs > 0
and i.LastShpd > CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(DAY,-180,GETDATE()),113) AS datetime) 
and (Case
    When n.OnOrder IN ('0', '')
    Then i.OnOrder = 0 or i.LastShpd < CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(DAY,-21,GETDATE()),113) AS datetime)))

Order by i.LastShpd desc 由i.LastShpd desc订购

To explain what I have above, I already got the appropriate 'SELECT' and 'FROM' statement. 为了解释上面的内容,我已经获得了适当的“ SELECT”和“ FROM”语句。 Now I am filtering the results based on those the shown variables (ecx LastShpd). 现在,我根据显示的变量(ecx LastShpd)过滤结果。 What I wanted the case statement to do was: When n.OnOrder = 0, I want to keep only the rows where i.OnOrder = 0 or if i.LastShpd has been greater than 21 days. 我想让case语句执行以下操作:当n.OnOrder = 0时,我只想保留i.OnOrder = 0或i.LastShpd大于21天的行。

I don't think you need a Case for this: 我认为您不需要为此提供案例:

where i.status IN ('CR','L','O')
and i.FGCs > 0
and i.LastShpd > CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(DAY,-180,GETDATE()),113) AS datetime) 
and (
     (n.OnOrder IN ('0', '') and i.OnOrder = 0) 
 or i.LastShpd < CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(DAY,-21,GETDATE()),113) AS datetime)

Re-reading your question maybe is this other way: 重新阅读您的问题可能是这样的:

where i.status IN ('CR','L','O')
and i.FGCs > 0
and i.LastShpd > CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(DAY,-180,GETDATE()),113) AS datetime) 
and (
     n.OnOrder Not IN ('0', '') 
    or i.OnOrder = 0 
    or i.LastShpd < CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(DAY,-21,GETDATE()),113) AS datetime)

When using a CASE within a WHERE clause, you still need to have both sides of the operation defined (ie [CASE CONDITION] = [SOMETHING]). WHERE子句中使用CASE ,仍需要定义操作的两侧(即[CASE CONDITION] = [SOMETHING])。 This can get tricky depending on what you want to do, but the easiest thing is to have your case statement execute as a true/false type of condition so that you end up with [CASE] = 1 or [CASE] = 0. 根据您要执行的操作,这可能会很棘手,但是最简单的方法是让case语句作为条件的真/假类型执行,以便最终得到[CASE] = 1或[CASE] = 0。

In your case (accidental pun!): 就您而言(偶然的双关语!):

where i.status IN ('CR','L','O')
and i.FGCs > 0
and i.LastShpd > CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(DAY,-180,GETDATE()),113) AS datetime) 
and (Case
    When n.OnOrder IN ('0', '') AND (i.OnOrder = 0 or i.LastShpd < CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(11),DATEADD(DAY,-21,GETDATE()),113) AS datetime)) 
    THEN 1
    ELSE 0
    End) = 1

Of course as another answer has pointed out, a case is not really necessary in this particular instance. 当然,正如另一个答案所指出的那样,在这种特定情况下,案例确实不是必需的。 However, if you had more complex conditions this could be helpful. 但是,如果您的条件比较复杂,这可能会有所帮助。

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