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[英]Resize Google Maps when printing

So im using this function to print my Google Maps API V3: 因此,即时通讯使用此功能来打印我的Google Maps API V3:

function printit(){
var content = window.document.getElementById("map-canvas");
var newWindow = window.open(); // open a new window
newWindow.document.write(content.innerHTML); // write the map into the new window
newWindow.print(); // print the new window

And this is the HTML button that im using: 这是即时通讯使用的HTML按钮:

<button onClick="printit()">Print</button>

The problem is that map-canvas is set to 100% width with CSS, so wen the map is printed only left side is visible (as much as it fits on A4 paper). 问题在于使用CSS将地图画布设置为100%的宽度,因此仅在左侧可见的情况下打印地图(与在A4纸上的尺寸一样大)。 I tryed adding this: 我尝试添加以下内容:

document.getElementById("map-canvas").style.width = "900px";

But i get an error. 但是我得到一个错误。 Can you help me with this? 你能帮我吗?

The Google Maps API normally uses the ID map_canvas for the height and width properties instead of map-canvas . Google Maps API通常将ID map_canvas用作height和width属性,而不是map-canvas So it has to be: 因此必须是:

document.getElementById("map_canvas").style.width = "900px";


google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');

I found the solution, it was not as simple as i thought it would be, here is the complete working code, it was tested in Chrome, Firefox, Opera and it works perfectly: 我找到了解决方案,它没有我想象的那么简单,下面是完整的工作代码,它已经在Chrome,Firefox,Opera中进行了测试,并且可以完美地运行:

<script type="application/javascript">
function printit(){
  var newWidth = 700,
    content = document.getElementsByClassName("gm-style")[0],
    translateX = (content.clientWidth - newWidth) / 2,
    orgTranslate = content.firstChild.firstChild.style.transform,
    left = content.firstChild.firstChild.style.left;

  var win = window.open();
  var c = win.document.getElementsByClassName("gm-style")[0];
  c.style.width = newWidth + "px";

    if (orgTranslate) {
    orgTranslate = orgTranslate.split(",");
    orgTranslate[4]-= translateX;
    c.firstChild.firstChild.style.transform = orgTranslate.join(",");
  } else {
    c.firstChild.firstChild.style.left = (parseInt(left, 10) - translateX) + "px"; // firefox uses absolute positioning


var center;
function calculateCenter() {
  center = map.getCenter();
google.maps.event.addDomListener(map, 'idle', function() {
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'resize', function() {

And also the print button: 还有打印按钮:

<button onClick="printit()">Print</button>

Hope this will help someone. 希望这会帮助某人。

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