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[英]Secured communication between chrome extension and a server

I'm building a chrome extension and one of its functionality is to contact my server to store a message on it. 我正在构建chrome扩展程序,其功能之一是联系服务器以在其上存储消息。 Only know users can do it. 只知道用户可以做到。

My issue is that the way I am doing it is not secured. 我的问题是我的操作方式不安全。 I have a database on my server on which I store user name and encrypted password. 我的服务器上有一个数据库,用于存储用户名和加密密码。

To send a message to my server, user must write his password each time, the extension doesn't memorize it. 要将邮件发送到我的服务器,用户每次必须输入密码,该扩展名不会记住该密码。 If I use XMLHttpRequest to contact my server, I have two choice. 如果使用XMLHttpRequest与服务器联系,则有两种选择。 I can send: 我能发送:

myServerDomain + '?message=' + myMessage + '&user=' + myUserName  + '&password=' + myPassword

And encrypt password on my server to check if it is the good one. 并在我的服务器上加密密码,以检查密码是否正确。

Or I can send: 或者我可以发送:

myServerDomain + '?message=' + myMessage + '&user=' + myUserName  + '&password=' + myPasswordEncrypted

And directly check on my server if myPasswordEncrypted match with the one saved. 然后直接在我的服务器上检查myPasswordEncrypted是否与保存的匹配。

But for both ways, I only have to access the computer of the user, check the google chrome window go to the console then network requests to obtain myPasswordEncrypted or myPassword and then send my own modified request. 但是对于这两种方式,我只需要访问用户的计算机,检查google chrome窗口转到控制台,然后网络请求获取myPasswordEncrypted或myPassword,然后发送我自己的修改后的请求。

How can I secure it? 我该如何固定?

If a password is making it to your server with no encryption, your doing it wrong. 如果密码未经加密就发送到您的服务器,则表示您输入的密码不正确。 The first thing you absolutely must do is make sure that the password is being sent over HTTPS. 您绝对必须做的第一件事是确保密码是通过HTTPS发送的。 After that, you can hash it on the server. 之后,您可以在服务器上对其进行哈希处理。 Hashing it on the client is near pointless, its a ridiculously easy method to circumvent. 将其散布到客户端几乎是没有意义的,这是一种非常容易解决的方法。 See here for more details 看到这里更多细节

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