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JavaScript - clearWatch()不会在setTimeout()上触发

[英]JavaScript - clearWatch() not triggering on setTimeout()

I'm encountering some issues with JavaScript's watchPosition and clearWatch functions that I don't quite understand, would appreciate it if someone could help out. 我遇到了JavaScript的watchPosition和clearWatch函数的一些问题,我不太明白,如果有人可以提供帮助,我会很感激。

First off, the function in question... 首先,有问题的功能......

function location(x){
    var getLocation;

    var lat_input = $(x).find(".latitude");
    var lon_input = $(x).find(".longitude");
    var acc_input = $(x).find(".accuracy");

    function showPosition(position) {
        latitude = position.coords.latitude;
        longitude = position.coords.longitude;
        accuracy = position.coords.accuracy;


        }, 10000);  

    getLocation = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(showPosition, null, {maximumAge: 0, timeout: Infinity, enableHighAccuracy: true});

In particular, my problem is with the code in the setTimeout section. 特别是,我的问题是setTimeout部分中的代码。

When I run this function on my laptop, everything starts out ok - the .longitude, .latitude, and .accuracy fields are populated accordingly. 当我在笔记本电脑上运行此功能时,一切都开始正常 - 相应地填充.longitude,.latitude和.accuracy字段。 After 10 seconds, setTimeout is triggered - I can't say if clearWatch runs successfully (since the computer is pretty limited in its ability to find itself), but the odd behavior that I note here is that alert('done') is triggered twice. 10秒后,触发了setTimeout - 我不能说clearWatch是否成功运行(因为计算机的查找能力非常有限),但我在这里注意到的奇怪行为是触发alert('done')两次。

When I run this function on my phone (the intended platform), everything gets off to a similarly good start, but after 10 seconds, alert('done') starts triggering endlessly, sometimes in immediate succession, sometimes with a few seconds in between. 当我在我的手机(预定平台)上运行此功能时,一切都开始了同样良好的开始,但是在10秒后, alert('done')开始无休止地触发,有时立即连续触发,有时几秒钟之间。 Most distressing, however, is that clearWatch doesn't appear to run at all - that lat, long, and accuracy fields continuously update after the 10 second mark. 然而,最令人痛苦的是,clearWatch似乎根本没有运行 - lat,long和precision字段在10秒标记后不断更新。

If anyone can see what I am doing wrong here, your guidance would be much appreciated. 如果有人能在这里看到我做错了什么,那么您的指导将非常感激。

I hit a similar issue. 我遇到了类似的问题。 I found the following code did not stop the watch: 我发现以下代码没有停止监视:


STEP 1: Create a variable and assign it to navigator.geolocation 步骤1:创建变量并将其分配给navigator.geolocation

var geoLoc = navigator.geolocation;

var geoWatchID = geoLoc.watchPosition(
                onGPSSuccess, onGPSError,
            { maximumAge: 300, timeout: 1500, enableHighAccuracy: true });

STEP 2 : Stop Watch use the var geoloc not navigator.geolocation.clearWatch() 第2 :Stop Watch使用var geoloc not navigator.geolocation.clearWatch()


geoWatchID = null;

See http://www.tutorialspoint.com/html5/geolocation_clearwatch.htm 请参阅http://www.tutorialspoint.com/html5/geolocation_clearwatch.htm

Without knowing the libraries to re-create the code, I can't duplicate the issue so I can only give something to try. 在不知道库重新创建代码的情况下,我无法复制问题,所以我只能尝试一些东西。

Add a timer variable to your outer scope. timer变量添加到外部作用域。

timer = setTimeout(function(){
    }, 10000);

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