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[英]Redirect test won't pass after click on a link

I am writing some dummy test with PHPUnit for Symfony, in order to know a little more about functionals tests in PHP. 我正在用PHPUnit for Symfony编写一些虚拟测试,以便更多地了解PHP中的功能测试。

Here is the problem. 这是问题所在。 This is my test method : 这是我的测试方法:

//Redirecting test by clicking on href
public function testRedirect() {
    $client = static::createClient();
    $crawler = $client->request('GET', '/redirect');

    $link = $crawler->selectLink('Click me !')->link();

    $crawler2 = $client->followRedirect();
    $this->assertTrue($crawler2->filter('html:contains("Haha, you\'ve been redirect !")')->count() > 0);

This is my link : 这是我的链接:

<a href="{{ path('redirect2') }}">Click me !</a>

And the message at destination : 以及目的地信息:

Haha, you've been redirect !

I assume that 我认为


is the name of my route. 是我的路线的名称。

Test gives me : 测试给我:

1) AppBundle\Tests\Controller\DefaultControllerTest::testRedirect
LogicException: The request was not redirected.

So my question is : is href considers as a redirection or not ? 所以我的问题是:href是否被视为重定向?

Thanks in advance ! 提前致谢 ! Telest, Telest,

When you follow the redirect, you're already on the "next" page. 当您进行重定向时,您已经在“下一个”页面上。 Just move the row $crawler2 = $client->followRedirect(); 只需移动$crawler2 = $client->followRedirect(); after the the assert 在断言之后

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