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[英]What is the best method for avoiding email blacklists in a VPS that has several websites?

We have a powerful VPS currently having various websites. 我们拥有功能强大的VPS,目前拥有各种网站。 This websites although they do not spam have had their ip emails blacklisted in the past? 这个网站虽然没有垃圾邮件,但过去也没有将其IP电子邮件列入黑名单? we keep fighting against getting the ip. 我们一直在争取获得IP。 delisted because it otherwise affects all websites email deliverability. 被除名,因为它否则会影响所有网站的电子邮件传递能力。 It seems too vulnerable that if the IP gets blacklisted then everybody loses business not being able to contact their clients. 如果IP被列入黑名单,那么每个人都会失去无法联系其客户的业务,这似乎太脆弱了。 I know large websites have strategies to avoid this, not sure how they do it. 我知道大型网站有避免这种情况的策略,不确定如何做到。 I would like to know an experts advice on how to deal with this problem. 我想知道有关如何处理此问题的专家建议。 In summary what are recommended best practices for business email deliverability when depending on one IP? 总而言之,当依赖一个IP时,建议的最佳业务电子邮件最佳实践是什么? or is there such thing as dynamic IPs? 还是有动态IP之类的东西? Open to any options to solve this critical problem for us. 对我们解决这个关键问题开放任何选择。

There are many steps you can take to insure that your IP does not get blacklisted in RBL's. 您可以采取许多步骤来确保IP不被列入RBL的黑名单。

  1. You can assign a unique IP for each website and you can assign same unique IP for outgoing mails so all the domains will not be affected if IP gets blacklisted. 您可以为每个网站分配唯一的IP,也可以为外发邮件分配相同的唯一IP,因此,如果IP被列入黑名单,则所有域都不会受到影响。
  2. Make sure you have enabled SMTP authentication for all the domains. 确保已为所有域启用SMTP身份验证。
  3. You can set SPF records for all the websites. 您可以为所有网站设置SPF记录。 You can create an SPF record from below URL. 您可以从以下URL创建SPF记录。 http://www.spfwizard.net/ http://www.spfwizard.net/
  4. Create Domainkey (DKIM) 创建域密钥(DKIM)
  5. Use strong password for email accounts as weak password are more prone to get compromised. 对电子邮件帐户使用强密码,因为弱密码更容易受到威胁。

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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