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[英]What happens in JavaScript when defining objects on Constructor Variables

Say I have defined a Constructor and a prototype in Javascript like this: 假设我已经用Javascript定义了一个Constructor和一个原型,如下所示:

MyGame.Player = function(){
    this.somevar = 42;
MyGame.Player.prototype = {
    somevar: null,
    someFunc: function(){}

What will happen if I do the following: 如果执行以下操作会发生什么:

MyGame.Player.Helper = function(){...}
MyGame.Player.Helper.prototype = {...}
  • Will javascript allow this actually? javascript会允许这个吗?
  • Will the Helper appear as ownProperty in an instance of MyGame.Player() ? 帮助程序会在MyGame.Player()的实例中显示为ownProperty吗?
  • Can I always create new Helper objects even if I don't have a Player object? 即使没有Player对象,我也可以始终创建新的Helper对象吗?

Will javascript allow this actually? javascript会允许这个吗?

Sure. 当然。 It's just a function as property of an object. 它只是作为对象属性的功能。 In classical OOP this would be called a class method . 在经典OOP中,这称为类方法

Will the Helper appear as ownProperty in an instance of MyGame.Player()? 帮助程序会在MyGame.Player()的实例中显示为ownProperty吗?

Nope. 不。 It's a property of the constructor function , not of the instance. 它是构造函数的属性,而不是实例的属性。 The instance only gets all properties assigned to this in the constructor and anything from the prototype . 实例仅在构造函数中获取分配给this所有属性,并且从prototype任何内容。 It doesn't inherit properties of the constructor function. 它不继承构造函数的属性。

Can I always create new Helper objects even if I don't have a Player object? 即使没有Player对象,我也可以始终创建新的Helper对象吗?

Sure, because you call new MyGame.Player.Helper , not new (new MyGame.Player).Helper . 当然,因为您调用的是new MyGame.Player.Helper ,而不是new (new MyGame.Player).Helper

Put another way, you just assigned a function to MyGame.Player.Helper , of course you can call it via MyGame.Player.Helper() , because that's where you just put it. 换句话说,您刚刚为MyGame.Player.Helper分配了一个函数,当然您可以通过MyGame.Player.Helper()调用它,因为这就是您放置它的地方。

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