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[英]Update collection in pymongo

I would like to check the number of document inserted into my collection. 我想检查插入收藏夹中的文档数量。

Here is my code in Python: 这是我在Python中的代码:

from pymongo import MongoClient
connection = MongoClient()
db = connection['mydatabase']
collection1 = db.mycollection
pipe = [{......}]
result = collection1.aggregate(pipe, allowDiskUse=True)

array = list(result)
length = len(array)

for res in result:
    id = res['_id']
    collection2.update({..}, upsert=True)
count = collection2.find().count()
print ("There are %d documents in users collection" %count)

if length == count:
     print("insertion ok")


the problem that after for statement, my result is empty and so the len is null. for语句后,我的结果为空,因此len为null的问题。 I don't know what's wrong. 我不知道怎么了 Thank you 谢谢

The collection.aggregate() method returns a CommandCursor , which is kind of like a Python generator that is iterable for only once. collection.aggregate()方法返回一个CommandCursor ,它类似于Python生成器,只能迭代一次。 Therefore when you call list(result) you will not be able to re-iterate over the cursor. 因此,当您调用list(result)您将无法在光标上再次迭代。

What you can do instead is to count the number of documents in result within the for loop without creating the array before hand: 相反,您可以做的是在for循环中计算result中的文档数,而无需事先创建array

from pymongo import MongoClient
connection = MongoClient()
db = connection['mydatabase']
collection1 = db.mycollection
collection2 = db.mycollection1
pipe = [{......}]
result = collection1.aggregate(pipe, allowDiskUse=True)

length = 0
for res in result:
    id = res['_id']
    collection2.update({..}, upsert=True)
    length += 1

count = collection2.count()
print ("There are %d documents in users collection" %count)

if length == count:
    print("insertion ok")


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