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[英]Rails: Validate attribute presence for at least one record in each group

I am trying to do something like: 我正在尝试做类似的事情:

validates :primary_product, presence: { scope: :student_id }

There can be multiple rows with same student_id . 可以有多个具有相同student_id行。 For set of all rows(with same student_id ) at least one value of primary_product should be present. 对于所有行集(具有相同的student_id ),至少应存在primary_product值。 This does not seem to work. 这似乎不起作用。 Not sure if I can apply scope with presence. 不知道我是否可以在现场应用范围。

You can try the following, using custom validation: 您可以使用自定义验证尝试以下操作:

validates :primary_product, if: -> x {
  where.not(primary_product: nil).exists?(student_id: x.student_id)

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