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[英]How can I get a Picasa image folder on my Marshmallow device?

My application allows users to select an image to upload. 我的应用程序允许用户选择要上传的图像。 When users select an image from a picasa album my data intent comes back with dat=content://com.sec.android.gallery3d.provider/picasa/item/... . 当用户从Picasa相册中选择图像时,我的数据意图是dat=content://com.sec.android.gallery3d.provider/picasa/item/...

Apparently when selecting an image from a picasa folder, I must handle getting the image differently as noted in this answer . 显然,当从picasa文件夹中选择图像时,我必须按照此答案中所述处理不同的图像。

But before I implement a fix, I want to be able to reproduce the crash so I can verify my fix actually works. 但是在实施修补程序之前,我希望能够重现崩溃,以便可以验证我的修补程序确实有效。 So how can I get a Picasa folder on my new (marshmallow) Android test device since Picasa has been killed by Google? 那么,既然Picasa被Google杀死了,该如何在新的(棉花糖)Android测试设备上获取Picasa文件夹?

The most guaranteed way of getting a file send inside an intent, is to open a stream to it and copy it over to a private folder on your app. 将文件发送到意图中,最有保证的方法是打开一个流,然后将其复制到应用程序的专用文件夹中。

This way works for local file, content uri, picasa, all of it. 这种方式适用于本地文件, content uri,picasa及其所有。

Something like that: 像这样:

private File getSharedFile() {
    Uri uri = intent.getExtras().getParcelable(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM);
    // or using the new compat lib
    Uri uri = ShareCompat.IntentReader(this).getStream();

    InputStream is = null;
    OutputStream os = null;

    try {
       File f = ... define here a temp file // maybe getCacheDir();
       is = getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
       os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));

       int read;
       byte[] bytes = new byte[2048];

       while ((read = is.read(bytes)) != -1) {
          os.write(bytes, 0, read);
       return f;
       } catch (Exception e) {
           ... handle exceptions, buffer underflow, NPE, etc
       } finally {
          try { is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { /* u never know */ }
          try {
          } catch (Exception e) { /* seriously can happen */ }
      return null;

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