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[英]Time formatting strings in Python

I'm trying to convert these strings of numbers into a "hh:mm:ss" format. 我正在尝试将这些数字字符串转换为“ hh:mm:ss”格式。 The strings are all different lengths, here are a few: 字符串长度各不相同,以下是一些:

(212812, 218654, 232527, 235959, 0, 181240, 25959, 153834)

So I want to turn the above numbers into this: 所以我想把上面的数字变成这个:

(21:28:12, 21:86:54, 23:25:27, 23:59:59, 00:00:00, 18:12:40, 2:59:59, 15:38:34)

I'm mostly having trouble with getting them all the same length, like converting 0 to 00:00:00. 我大部分都无法获得相同的长度,例如将0转换为00:00:00。

Thanks! 谢谢!

As others have pointed out in comments, it's unclear what the right answer is for some inputs (eg 1234, which my code would say is 00:12:34). 正如其他人在评论中指出的那样,目前尚不清楚某些输入的正确答案(例如1234,我的代码将是00:12:34)。 I also decided that 02:59:59 is a better answer than 2:59:59, given the desire to get 00:00:00. 考虑到希望获得00:00:00,我还认为02:59:59比2:59:59是更好的答案。

So here's my code, which deals with all of the above inputs correctly, modulo the 2:59:59 variation I chose: 所以这是我的代码,以我选择的2:59:59模为模,正确处理了上述所有输入:

import re

def convert(numeric_time):
    return ':'.join(re.findall('..', str(numeric_time).zfill(6)))

times = (212812, 218654, 232527, 235959, 0, 181240, 25959, 153834)
correct_answers = ['21:28:12', '21:86:54', '23:25:27', '23:59:59', '00:00:00', '18:12:40', '02:59:59', '15:38:34']

answers = map(convert, times)
for answer, correct_answer in zip(answers, correct_answers):
    assert answer == correct_answer, '{} != {}'.format(answer, correct_answer)


Since some people object to the regular expression, here's a similar version that doesn't rely on it: 由于某些人反对正则表达式,因此这是一个不依赖于正则表达式的类似版本:

def convert(numeric_time):
    padded_time = str(numeric_time).zfill(6)
    return ':'.join(padded_time[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(padded_time), 2))

Well since we're making up answers here's a "solution" that doesn't use regexes: 好吧,因为我们要做出答案,所以这是一个不使用正则表达式的“解决方案”:

In [3]: def weird_time_format(fmt):
   ...:     fmt = str(fmt)
   ...:     hours = fmt[:2].ljust(2, '0')
   ...:     mins = fmt[2:4].ljust(2, '0')
   ...:     secs = fmt[4:6].ljust(2, '0')
   ...:     return ':'.join((hours, mins, secs))

In [4]: weird_time_format(212812)
Out[4]: '21:28:12'

This takes advantage of the fact that string slices are nice about out-of-bound indexes and return an empty string rather than throwing an error: 这利用了一个事实,即字符串切片可以很好地处理越界索引,并且返回空字符串而不是抛出错误:

In [1]: ''[1:2]
Out[1]: ''

In [2]: ''[1:2].ljust(2, '0')
Out[2]: '00'

Here's the results for your example input: 这是示例输入的结果:

In [5]: example_input = (212812, 218654, 232527, 235959, 0, 181240, 25959, 153834)

In [6]: tuple(map(weird_time_format, example_input))

And since I brought it up, what it does to 1234 : 自从我提出以来,它对1234是什么:

In [7]: weird_time_format(1234)
Out[7]: '12:34:00'

OK, I felt (a little) bad for being facetious. 好吧,我觉得(有点)不好笑。 If you're genuinely interested in this approach, this will work better and is more in line with the other answer's output: 如果您真的对这种方法感兴趣,这将更好地工作,并且与其他答案的输出更加一致:

In [3]: def weird_time_format(fmt):
   ...:     fmt = str(fmt).rjust(6, '0')
   ...:     return ':'.join((fmt[:2], fmt[2:4], fmt[4:6]))

Here is another attempt. 这是另一种尝试。

The basic concept is adding 0 if input string length less than 6 . 基本概念是,如果输入字符串的长度小于6则加0

a = (212812, 218654, 232527, 235959, 0, 181240, 25959, 153834)
input_list = map(str,a)
for input in input_list:
    if len(input) != 6:
        input = ''.join(['0' for i in range((6 - len(input)))]+list(input))
    print ':'.join([input[i:i+chunk_size] for i in range(0,len(input),len(input)/3)])  

Result 结果


Hope this helps: 希望这可以帮助:

data = (212812, 218654, 232527, 235959, 0, 181240, 25959, 153834)
time = map(str, data) #int to string

def conv(time_array):
    for t in time_array:
        if(len(t) != 6):
            t = str(t.zfill(6)) #filling 0's if less than 6
        print ':'.join(t[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(t), 2)) #adding ':' 


OUTPUT Using some test data 输出使用一些测试数据

test = (1234, 23, 133, 6)

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