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[英]React: is there a better pattern for higher-order component rendering?

Here's a practical example. 这是一个实际的例子。

import React from 'react';

let HeadingMixin = HeadingComponent => class extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <HeadingComponent {...this.props} />

function Heading(props){
  return (<h1 className={`${props.type}Heading`}>{props.text}</h1>)

Heading.propTypes = {
  text: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([
  type: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['page', 'modal', 'sub', 'section']).isRequired,

export default Heading;

Now, the actual HTML rendered by each component varies by element and className . 现在,每个组件呈现的实际HTML随element和className不同而不同。

<h1 className="pageHeading">{props.text}</h1>
<h2 className="modalHeading">{props.text}</h2>

etc. with sub and section . 等等,带有subsection

Now, between propTypes , elements, and classNames , is there a better way of choosing what to render and keeping them all in sync without using a switch statement? 现在,在propTypes ,elements和classNames ,有没有更好的方法来选择呈现什么并使它们全部保持同步而不使用switch语句?

As an alternative, but similar example, here's how I have done this with an Icon class. 作为替代方案,但类似的示例,这是我使用Icon类的方法。

import React from 'react';

const editGlyph = <path d="M5 14l-3-3 8-8 3 3zM11 2l2-2 3 3-2 2zM0 16l3-1-2-2" />;
const backGlyph = <path d="M2 7.994L8.137 16h4.312L6.31 7.994 12.45 0H8.136" />;
const addGlyph = <path d="M9.008 7.132V1H7.104v6.132H1v1.904h6.104v6.132h1.904V9.036h6.104V7.132" />;
const requiredGlyph = <path d="M4.79 3.42V1H3.655v2.42l-2.27-.857L1 3.59l2.27.815-1.392 1.95.964.662 1.392-2.055L5.71 7.017l.88-.663-1.414-1.95 2.334-.813-.428-1.027" />
const informationGlyph = <g transform="translate(0 .61)"><path d="M6.857 5.143h-2.57V6h.856v2.57h-.857v.86h3.428v-.86h-.857" /><ellipse cx="6" cy="3.429" rx=".857" ry=".857" /><path d="M6 0C2.687 0 0 2.687 0 6s2.687 6 6 6 6-2.687 6-6-2.687-6-6-6zm0 11.143C3.164 11.143.857 8.836.857 6S3.164.857 6 .857 11.143 3.164 11.143 6 8.836 11.143 6 11.143z" /></g>;

let iconGlyph;

export default function Icon(props) {

  switch (props.glyph) {
    case 'add':
      iconGlyph = addGlyph;
    case 'back':
      iconGlyph = backGlyph;
    case 'edit':
      iconGlyph = editGlyph;
    case 'required':
      iconGlyph = requiredGlyph;
    case 'i':
      iconGlyph = informationGlyph;
      iconGlyph = null;

  return (
      className={[`icon ${props.className}`]}
      viewBox="0 0 16 16"
      <title id={props.title}>{props.title}</title>

Icon.propTypes = {
  glyph: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['add', 'back', 'edit', 'i', 'required']).isRequired,
  className: React.PropTypes.string,
  title: React.PropTypes.string,

I don't know what it is, but I can't shake the feeling that there is a more elegant way to handle this. 我不知道这是什么,但是我无法撼动有一种更优雅的方式来处理此问题的感觉。 Perhaps a Decorator with some params? 也许有一些参数的装饰器?

If I understand your question correctly, you can do the following. 如果我正确理解您的问题,则可以执行以下操作。 Demo . 演示

const { oneOf, string } = PropTypes

// save all your options in hash
const icons = {
  edit: <path d="M5 14l-3-3 8-8 3 3zM11 2l2-2 3 3-2 2zM0 16l3-1-2-2" />,
  back: <path d="M2 7.994L8.137 16h4.312L6.31 7.994 12.45 0H8.136" />,
  add: <path d="M9.008 7.132V1H7.104v6.132H1v1.904h6.104v6.132h1.904V9.036h6.104V7.132" />,
  required: <path d="M4.79 3.42V1H3.655v2.42l-2.27-.857L1 3.59l2.27.815-1.392 1.95.964.662 1.392-2.055L5.71 7.017l.88-.663-1.414-1.95 2.334-.813-.428-1.027" />,
  i: <g transform="translate(0 .61)"><path d="M6.857 5.143h-2.57V6h.856v2.57h-.857v.86h3.428v-.86h-.857" /><ellipse cx="6" cy="3.429" rx=".857" ry=".857" /><path d="M6 0C2.687 0 0 2.687 0 6s2.687 6 6 6 6-2.687 6-6-2.687-6-6-6zm0 11.143C3.164 11.143.857 8.836.857 6S3.164.857 6 .857 11.143 3.164 11.143 6 8.836 11.143 6 11.143z" /></g>

// Icon is stateless
const Icon = ({ type, className, title }) => (
      className={[`icon ${className}`]}
      viewBox="0 0 16 16"
      <title id={title}>{title}</title>
      {/* Assuming type is the same as key in icons */}
      {icons[type] || null}

Icon.propTypes = {
  // make this constain "dynamic"
  glyph: oneOf(Object.keys(icons)).isRequired,
  className: string,
  title: string,

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