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[英]laravel many-to-many relationship return non related data

I have a relationship in my applications that is basically, 我的应用程序中基本上有一个关系,

Many Organisations can have many Users, and many Users can have many Organisations. 许多组织可以有许多用户,许多用户可以有许多组织。

So a many-to-many relationship, the organisation model relationship looks like this, 因此,多对多关系,组织模型关系看起来像这样,

public function users() {
        return $this->belongsToMany('User')
                    ->where('admin', '>', 0)
                    ->orWhere('basic', '>', 0)
                        'start_date'       =>    'start_date as start_date',
                        'admin'            =>    'admin as admin',
                        'manager'          =>    'manager as manager',
                        'finance'          =>    'finance as finance',
                        'basic'            =>    'basic as basic',
                        'notifications'    =>    'notifications as notify'

and my user model relationship to organisations looks like this, 我与组织的用户模型关系如下所示,

public function organisations()
    return $this->belongsToMany('Organisation');

I am having a huge problem with this relationship however, when I access this through project ( a project has one organisation, that has many users), I get a full list of users rather than just the users of the organisation for that project. 但是,我与这种关系存在很大的问题,当我通过项目访问该项目时(一个项目有一个组织,有很多用户),我会获得完整的用户列表,而不仅仅是该项目的组织用户。

Why would this be? 为什么会这样呢? I think it is to do with my where clauses in the Users() function in my organisation model? 我认为这与我的组织模型中Users()函数中的where子句有关吗?

I don't see the reason you use all this code! 我看不到您使用所有这些代码的原因! I would say, Just make it simple: 我会说,简单一点:

Organisation class 组织类

public function users() {
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\User');

User class 用户类别

public function organisations() {
    return $this->hasMany('App\Organisation');

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