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[英]How to find all tables using a defined EDT?

How does one create a job which finds all tables containing a particular extended data type? 如何创建一项查找包含特定扩展数据类型的所有表的作业?

I found this JOB, but it gives me an error: https://fredshen.wordpress.com/2006/02/05/find-out-tables-containing-specific-edt/ 我找到了这个工作,但给了我一个错误: https ://fredshen.wordpress.com/2006/02/05/find-out-tables- contains-specific-edt /

Use the Cross Reference Tool . 使用交叉参考工具

It will show code uses as well. 还将显示代码用法。

try this: 尝试这个:

static void findEdtinTable(Args _args)
    treeNode childNode;
    treeNode fields;
    treenodeIterator it, itFld;

    str properties;
    str table;
    str field;
    str extendedDataType;
    str searchType = "PurchInternalInvoiceId";     // EDT
    int x;
    treeNode t  = TreeNode::findNode('\\Data Dictionary\\Tables');

    it = t.AOTiterator();
    childNode= it.next();
    while (childNode)
      Table = childNode.treeNodeName();
      itFld = t.AOTfindChild(childNode.treeNodeName()).AOTfindChild("Fields").AOTiterator();

      fields = itFld.next();
      while (fields)
        field = fields.treeNodeName();
        properties = fields.AOTgetProperties();
        extendedDataType = findProperty(properties, "ExtendedDataType");

        if (extendedDataType == searchType)
          info(strfmt("%1 / %2 – ExtendedDataType: %3", table, field, extendedDataType));
        fields = itFld.next();
      childNode= it.next();

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