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使用Python Tweepy从带有特定标签的Twitter API挖掘7天的Tweets

[英]Mining 7 days worth of Tweets from Twitter API with a certain hashtag using Python Tweepy

I am mining 7 days worth of Tweets from the Twitter API using Python, Tweepy, Django, Celery, Django REST framework. 我正在使用Python,Tweepy,Django,Celery,Django REST框架从Twitter API挖掘7天的Tweets。

I am sending a request every minute using a celery beat and storing the collected data to a Postgresql database using the Django ORM. 我使用芹菜节拍每分钟发送一个请求,并使用Django ORM将收集的数据存储到Postgresql数据库。

To ensure that the api doesn't keep sending the same 100 tweets with each call, I am checking the database for the min(tweet.id) , and setting that as max_id parameter before each new request. 为了确保api不会在每次调用时都发送相同的100条tweet,我在数据库中检查min(tweet.id) ,并将其设置为每个新请求之前的max_id参数。

I ran into a problem: once I get 7 days worth of tweets, how do I reset this max_id . 我遇到一个问题:一旦获得了7天的推文,我该如何重置此max_id

models.py models.py

class Tweet(models.Model):
    tweet_id = models.CharField(
    tweet_date = models.DateTimeField()
    tweet_source = models.TextField()
    tweet_favorite_cnt = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    tweet_retweet_cnt = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    tweet_text = models.TextField()

    def __str__(self):
        return self.tweet_id + '  |  ' + str(self.tweet_date)

tasks.py task.py

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)

# Instantiate an instance of the API class from the tweepy library.
api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True, wait_on_rate_limit_notify=True)

def cleanup():
    Check database for records older than 7 days.
    Delete them if they exist.
    Tweet.objects.filter(tweet_date__lte=datetime.now() - timedelta(days=7)).delete()

def get_tweets():
    """Get some tweets from the twitter api and store them to the db."""

    # Subtasks
    chain = cleanup.s()

    # Check for the minimum tweet_id and set it as max_id.
    # This ensures the API call doesn't keep getting the same tweets.
    max_id = min([tweet.tweet_id for tweet in Tweet.objects.all()])

    # Make the call to the Twitter Search API.
    tweets = api.search(

    # Store the collected data into lists.
    tweets_date = [tweet.created_at for tweet in tweets]
    tweets_id = [tweet.id for tweet in tweets]
    tweets_source = [tweet.source for tweet in tweets]
    tweets_favorite_cnt = [tweet.favorite_count for tweet in tweets]
    tweets_retweet_cnt = [tweet.retweet_count for tweet in tweets]
    tweets_text = [tweet.text for tweet in tweets]

    # Iterate over these lists and save the items as fields for new records in the database.
    for i, j, k, l, m, n in zip(
        except IntegrityError:

Try this: 尝试这个:

# Check for the minimum tweet_id and set it as max_id.
# This ensures the API call doesn't keep getting the same tweets.

date_partition = get_seven_day_partition
## Since you're cutting off every seven days, you should know how
## to separate your weeks into seven day sections

max_id = min([tweet.tweet_id for tweet in Tweet.objects.all()
              if tweet.tweet_date > date_partition])

You didn't specify enough info about how you're pulling these tweets and how you know to stop at a certain date (and the execution of this program) so it's hard to advise a proper way of keeping track of date. 您没有指定有关如何拉动这些推文以及如何知道在特定日期停止(以及该程序的执行)的足够信息,因此很难建议一种适当的跟踪日期的方法。

What I can tell you is, set date_partition accordingly for your use case and this addition to the max_id assignment will properly grab the max day for the oldest 7 day period 我可以告诉您的是,为您的用例相应地设置date_partition ,并且在max_id分配中添加的内容将正确地获取最旧的7天时间段的最大天数

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