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dijit / form / FilteringSelect在手机中不起作用

[英]dijit/form/FilteringSelect not working in phone

i have a drop down using dijit/form/FilteringSelect which is not supporting in mobile but it is working on web. 我使用dijit / form / FilteringSelect下拉列表,该列表在移动设备中不支持,但可以在Web上使用。 i need my drop down to work in both web and mobile.can any one help 我需要下拉菜单才能同时在网络和移动设备上工作。

require( [ "dojo/store/Memory", "dijit/form/FilteringSelect", "dojo/domReady!"], function(Memory, FilteringSelect) { require([[dojo / store / Memory,“ dijit / form / FilteringSelect,” dojo / domReady!“],function(Memory,FilteringSelect){

var filteringSelect = new FilteringSelect({
            id : "statusList",
            value : "id",
            style : "width: 150px;",
            maxLength: "50",
            placeHolder : "-- select one --",
            displayedValue : defaultStatus,
            onChange : setStatusId,
            store : dataStore,
            }, "statusList");

You should have a look to dojox/mobile/SearchBox widget. 您应该看看dojox / mobile / SearchBox小部件。

It'll do the same job than dijit/form/FilteringSelect with approximately the same configuration (You can pass to it the same datastore). 它与dijit / form / FilteringSelect的配置大致相同(您可以将相同的数据存储传递给它)。

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