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[英]How to unconfigure Jekyll on GitHub Pages

I'm working on a website hosted at quinnmchugh.github.io and now whenever I push code to GitHub I receive an email from GitHub saying that 我正在quinnmchugh.github.io上的一个网站上工作 ,现在每当我将代码推送到GitHub时,我收到一封来自GitHub的电子邮件说

The page build failed with the following error: unable to build page. 页面构建失败,出现以下错误:无法构建页面。 Please try again later. 请稍后再试。 For information on troubleshooting Jekyll see: https://help.github.com/articles/troubleshooting-jekyll-builds 有关Jekyll故障排除的信息,请参阅: https//help.github.com/articles/troubleshooting-jekyll-builds

This website was copied from a template and I was unaware that Jekyll was baked into it. 这个网站是从一个模板中复制过来的,我不知道Jekyll已经融入其中了。 I don't want Jekyll to be enabled on this repo. 我不希望在这个回购中启用Jekyll。 How can I disable it and stop receiving emails from GitHub about build failures? 如何禁用它并停止接收来自GitHub的有关构建失败的电子邮件?

You can add an empty .nojekyll file at the root of your repository. 您可以在存储库的根目录中添加一个空的.nojekyll文件。 This will instruct github pages to publish your files without processing them with jekyll. 这将指示github页面发布您的文件而不用jekyll处理它们。

just delete the repository, create a new one add the html files you want to be hosted then create an new branch with the name gh-pages . 只需删除存储库,创建一个存储库,添加要托管的html文件,然后创建一个名为gh-pages的新分支 that should stop the messages and have your site up and running. 应该停止消息并让您的网站启动并运行。

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