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Tinymce错误 - 动态加载时无法加载插件js文件

[英]Tinymce Error - Failed to load plugin js files when dynamically loaded

I'm trying to load TinyMCE dynamically like so (on clicking a button): 我正在尝试动态加载TinyMCE(单击按钮时):

$.getScript('path/to/mce4/tinymce.min.js', function(){
    var def = {
        selector: 'textarea',
        body_class: 'sp-mce-editor',
        content_css : "path/to/styles/mce.css",
        plugins: ['advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code insertdatetime media nonbreaking table contextmenu directionality emoticons template paste textcolor fullscreen autoresize'],
        toolbar: "bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image | fontsizeselect forecolor backcolor | preview fullscreen | template",
        toolbar_items_size: 'small',
        relative_urls : false,
        convert_urls : true,
        external_plugins: { "nanospell": "path/to/mce4/nanospell/plugin.js" },
        file_browser_callback: RoxyFileBrowser,
        init_instance_callback: (typeof processEditor != 'undefined' ? processEditor : null)


With this configuration, tinyMCE fails to initialize. 使用此配置,tinyMCE无法初始化。 In the console I see several 404 errors, each with a message like this: 在控制台中,我看到几个404错误,每个错误都有这样的消息:

Failed to load: /path/to/mce4/plugins/textcolor/plugin.js

Sure on checking in the console the JS file tinymce.min.js loads correctly. 当检查控制台时,JS文件tinymce.min.js正确加载。 Also, the /path/to/mce4/plugins/textcolor/plugin.js does not exist. 此外, /path/to/mce4/plugins/textcolor/plugin.js不存在。 But /path/to/mce4/plugins/textcolor/plugin.min.js exists, and this is true for all the js files involved (ie the .min.js files are there, but tinyMCE for whatever reason is looking for the .js files). 但是/path/to/mce4/plugins/textcolor/plugin.min.js存在,对于所涉及的所有js文件都是如此(即.min.js文件在那里,但无论出于何种原因,tinyMCE都在寻找.js文件)。

Now, when I load tinyMCE in a script tab in the <head> , there's no problem at all, and everything works well. 现在,当我在<head>的脚本选项卡中加载tinyMCE时,根本没有问题,一切正常。

What could be causing this error, and how am I supposed to fix it? 可能导致此错误的原因是什么,我应该如何解决? If this is the expected behaviour of tinyMCE, what is the correct way to dynamically load its js file for the scenario such as I am working on? 如果这是tinyMCE的预期行为,那么为我正在处理的场景动态加载其js文件的正确方法是什么?

If you are using angular2+ with angular-cli, following might help you. 如果您使用angular2 + with angular-cli,以下内容可能会对您有所帮助。 Lets say you want to add a plugin named autoresize . 假设您要添加名为autoresize的插件。 Check if this plugin is present in node_modules/tinymce/plugins . 检查node_modules/tinymce/plugins是否存在此插件。 If yes, do following: 如果是,请执行以下操作:

1. In angular-cli.json : 1. 在angular-cli.json中

"styles": [
       **"../node_modules/tinymce/plugins/autoresize/plugin.js",/add this/**

2. In the intializing component: 2. 在初始化组件中:


      plugins: ['link', 'paste', 'table','**autoresize**'],
      autoresize_bottom_margin: 50,//this is plug in requirement

I can not tell you what is wrong with your code, but this works for me (TinyMCE 4.x) 我不能告诉你你的代码有什么问题,但这对我有用(TinyMCE 4.x)

I put the path to tinymce.min.js like this: 我把这条路径放到了tinymce.min.js:

<script src="/tinymce/tinymce.min.js"></script>

So it loads with the page load. 所以它加载页面加载。 Not to be loaded dynamically. 不动态加载。

Then I made a function defined: 然后我定义了一个函数:

function IactivateMCE() {
     selector: "div.c10",
     code continue

Then I made a onclick that run: IactivateMCE() AFTER the dynamic content had been added to the site ( I have a function that first add dynamic content to the site, then initialize TinyMCE). 然后我做了一个运行的onclick:IactivateMCE()在将动态内容添加到站点之后(我有一个函数,首先向站点添加动态内容,然后初始化TinyMCE)。

Hope this can benefit you :-) 希望这可以让你受益:-)

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