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[英]How to hold a thread till MQTT message has arrived

In my app im sending a message via Paho MQTT and i have to wait for a response before sending new message. 在我的应用程序中,我通过Paho MQTT发送消息,我必须等待响应才能发送新消息。

eg: 例如:

while (!exit){
  sendMessage(); //sends message via Paho MQTT 
  myMqttConnection.run() //starts a thread to wait for Response via Paho MQTT
  //what to do to hold this thread till a message has arrived?

sendMessage() and myMqttConnection are 2 different topics in case that matters sendMessage()和myMqttConnection是两个不同的主题,以防万一

There's a few ways to tackle this, given the limited information that you have provided. 鉴于您提供的信息有限,有几种方法可以解决此问题。

If you have to spawn a thread in the myMqttConnection.run() code, you need a way for your Threads to wait for each other. 如果必须myMqttConnection.run()代码中生成线程,则需要一种让线程彼此等待的方法。

If you are happy with old-skool code, a shared guard object and a wait/notify mechanism would do it. 如果您对老式代码感到满意,则可以使用共享的保护对象和等待/通知机制。 The more modern way to do this is with something like a CyclicBarrier. 更现代的方法是使用CyclicBarrier之类的东西。

Otherwise, if you are spawning a thread in myMqttConnection.run() , but then you wait for it to complete, you have to question why you are spawning a thread..? 否则,如果要在myMqttConnection.run()生成线程,但又等待其完成,则必须询问为什么要生成线程。 Why not just rename run() to read() and return the message from the read() message. 为什么不只是将run()重命名为read()并从read()消息返回消息。

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