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[英]error wtih SSIS Package execution

I imported an SSIS package that was created from a lower version using VS2015 so it was automatically upgraded. 我导入了使用VS2015从较低版本创建的SSIS程序包,因此它已自动升级。 here is the code that runs the package: 这是运行包的代码:

                Process process = new Process();
                process.ErrorDataReceived += delegate (object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e)
                //call this before process start
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;

                process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = @"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn";

                process.StartInfo.FileName = "DTExec.exe";

                process.StartInfo.Arguments = @"/File " + pkgLocation;
                process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
                process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;


but i get the error: 但是我得到了错误:

Started:  2:32:00 PM
Error: 2016-06-27 14:32:00.81
   Code: 0xC001700A
   Description: The version number in the package is not valid. The version number cannot be greater than current version number.
End Error
Error: 2016-06-27 14:32:00.83
   Code: 0xC0016020
   Description: Package migration from version 8 to version 6 failed with error 0xC001700A "The version number in the package is not valid. The version number cannot be greater than current version number.".
End Error
Error: 2016-06-27 14:32:00.86
   Code: 0xC0010018
   Source: LoadClaimsFilePDNew
   Description: Error loading value "<DTS:Property xmlns:DTS="www.microsoft.com/SqlServer/Dts" DTS:Name="PackageFormatVersion">8</DTS:Property>" from node "DTS:Property".
End Error

i have already installed sql server data tools and other things that might resolve but i can't make it work. 我已经安装了sql server数据工具和其他可能会解决的问题,但我无法使其正常工作。 i have vs 2015 and sql server 2012 我有vs 2015和sql server 2012

You need to rollback your package using whatever source control you are using. 您需要使用任何正在使用的源代码控制来回滚您的包。

Then open the package, allow the project to be converted, and all will be OK. 然后打开包,允许项目进行转换,一切都将正常。

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