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[英]How to get this regular expression

I have this piece of code: 我有这段代码:

<a href="http://www.fnac.pt/Memorial-do-Convento-Texto-em-Analise-Varios/a242166" class="fontbigger">Memorial do Convento - Texto em Análise</a>

...and I want to get this part: ...我想得到这一部分:

Memorial do Convento - Texto em Análise

How do I do it? 我该怎么做? I have tried this: 我已经试过了:

<a href="[^<]+" class=".+">(.+)</a>

...but the first [^<] doesn't work cause it recognizes only this: ...但是第一个[^<]不起作用,因为它只能识别以下内容:


You can use captured with this regex : 您可以使用此正则表达式 捕获

QRegularExpression regex("<a.*?>(.*?)<\\/\\s*a\\s*>", QRegularExpression::MultilineOption);
QRegularExpressionMatch match = regex.match(resultHTML);
QString output = match.captured(1);

Tried out this regex and it worked 尝试了这个正则表达式并有效

>([^<>]+)< >([^ <>] +)<

However parsing HTML with regex isn't the best option 但是,使用正则表达式解析HTML并不是最佳选择

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