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[英]Targeting Auto-Generated Fields with Incremented IDs (JavaScript)

I have a starting set of HTML fields with an Add More fields button. 我有一组带有“添加更多字段”按钮的HTML字段。 The user can add as many sets of fields as desired. 用户可以根据需要添加任意多个字段集。

<input id="alpha1" name="alpha1" type="text">
<input id="beta1" name="beta1" type="text" style="display:none;">
<select id="select_box1" name="select_box1">
    <option value="one">one</option>
    <option value="two">two</option>

The Add More option triggers JS to creatate a new set of fields and increments the id and name by one. “添加更多”选项触发JS创建一组新字段,并将idname增加一个。 Code exerpted to streamline, but I can post all if requested. 代码简化了,但是如果需要,我可以发布所有代码。

// [...]
next = next + 1;
// [...]
var fieldtype_1 = '<input id="alpha' + next + '" name="alpha' + next + '">'
var fieldtype_2 = '<input id="beta' + next + '" name="beta' + next + '" style="display:none;">'
var select_options = `
            <option value="one">one</option>
            <option value="two">two</option>
var fieldtype_3 = '<select id="select_box' + next + '">' + select_options + '</select>'

The beta field needs to show/hide based on user input into a select box. beta字段需要根据用户在选择框中的输入来显示/隐藏。

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#select_box1").change(function () {
function toggleFields() {
    if ($("#select_box1").val() == "two") {
    else {

The above code works as intended for my default id(1) set of fields. 上面的代码按预期用于我的默认id(1)字段集。 However, I don't know how to approach targeting all the (unknown number) of additional fields the user could potentially add to this form. 但是,我不知道如何针对用户可能会添加到此表单的所有(未知数量)附加字段。

add class activeSelect to every select, you are using. 将class activeSelect添加到您正在使用的每个选择中。 binding the event to the document will allow you to dynamically change the DOM and the event will be binded to every added element 将事件绑定到文档将允许您动态更改DOM,并且事件将绑定到每个添加的元素

$(document).ready(function () {
    $(document).on("change", ".activeSelect", function () {
function toggleFields(id) {
    if ($("#select_box"+id).val() == "two") {
    else {

jsFiddle Use class as single identifier for fields group and wrap the group like this: jsFiddle使用类作为字段组的单个标识符,并像这样包装该组:

<div class="wrapper">
  <input id="alpha1" class="item alpha" name="alpha1" type="text">
  <input id="beta1" class="item beta" name="beta1" type="text" style="display:none;">
  <select id="select_box1" name="select_box1" class="selectClass">
   <option value="one">one</option>
   <option value="two">two</option>

Then toggle all elements of desired class in selected section: 然后在所选部分中切换所需类的所有元素:

$('.selectClass').on('change', function(){
   var classToShow = $(this).val() == "two" ? "beta" : "alpha";
   $(this).closest('.wrapper').find('.' + classToShow).show();

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