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[英]Htaccess - 403 status code when executing PHP file

I have created a directory named synchro under C:/xampp/htdocs/ and I have added a PHP script test.php that contains a webservice and I have generated a passwords file. 我在C:/xampp/htdocs/下创建了一个名为sync的目录,并添加了一个包含Web服务的PHP脚本test.php ,并生成了一个密码文件。

And to secure the folder I have added .htaccess file that contains: 为了保护文件夹,我添加了.htaccess文件,其中包含:

Options +Indexes
AuthUserFile "C:/xampp/htdocs/synchro/passwords"
AuthName "Authentication required"
AuthType Basic
Require valid-user 

But when I try to execute the PHP file 但是当我尝试执行PHP文件时


After entring login and password I got Error 403 How can I fix it? 输入登录名和密码后,出现Error 403如何解决?

You need to remove the speech marks from around AuthUserFile . 您需要从AuthUserFile周围删除语音标记。 It should look like this: 它看起来应该像这样:

AuthUserFile /xampp/htdocs/synchro/passwords

You then need a file called .htpasswd . 然后,您需要一个名为.htpasswd的文件。 This will be where you create your login and password. 这是您创建登录名和密码的地方。

For example: 例如:


So your AuthUserFile will look like this: 因此您的AuthUserFile将如下所示:

AuthUserFile /xampp/htdocs/synchro/.htpasswd

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