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如何在SQL Server 2014中创建视图以查看缺少某些数据的交叉引用表中的数据?

[英]How do I create a view in SQL Server 2014 to see data from cross referenced tables where some data is missing?

I am trying to generate a report from a normalized database with tables a, a_xref_b, and b. 我正在尝试从具有表a,a_xref_b和b的规范化数据库生成报告。

CREATE TABLE a (a_rid INT primary key, a1 varchar(20), );

CREATE TABLE b (b_rid INT primary key, b1 varchar(20), b2 varchar(20));

CREATE TABLE a_xref_b (a_rid INT, b_rid INT,xref_type int

INSERT INTO a VALUES (1,'John'), (2,'Sue')
INSERT INTO b VALUES (1,'Atlanta','GA'), (2,'Macon','GA'), (3,'Opp','AL')
INSERT INTO a_xref_b VALUES (1,1,1), (1,2,2), (2,3,1)

Table A and B are cross-referenced and have the cross reference has a type, which defines what the data in B represents. 表A和B被交叉引用,并且交叉引用具有类型,该类型定义B中的数据表示什么。

Scenario - John is provided a main city and an alternate. 场景-向约翰提供了主要城市和替代城市。 Sue only provided a main city. 苏只提供了一个主要城市。

I am trying to write a view to load page that has the name, main city, and alternate. 我正在尝试编写一个视图以加载具有名称,主要城市和替代名称的页面。

Name   b_rid_t1  City_t1   St_1  b_rid_2   City_t2  St_t2
John   1         Atlanta   GA    2         Macon    GA
Sue    3         Opp       AL    NULL      NULL     NULL

I tried this 我试过了

left join
   a_xref_b as xf1 
      on a.a_rid = xf1.a_rid      
inner join
   b as b_1 
      on xf1.b_rid = b_1.b_rid 
      and xf1.xref_type = 1     
left join
   a_xref_b xf2 
      on a.a_rid = xf2.a_rid      
inner join
   b as b_2 
      on xf2.b_rid = b_2.b_rid 
      and xf2.xref_type = 2

However it drops Sue's record. 但是,它降低了Sue的记录。 If I change it to left joins from the xref to b, then I get duplicate records. 如果我将其从外部参照更改为左联接,则将获得重复的记录。

The real world scenario is a contact table cross referenced with an address table and the xref table has the type field. 实际情况是联系表与地址表交叉引用,并且外部参照表具有类型字段。 We're trying to build a view to load the page. 我们正在尝试构建一个视图来加载页面。

Try this, you should add xref_type condition with a_xref_b table join. 尝试此操作,您应该使用a_xref_b表联接添加xref_type条件。

left join a_xref_b as xf1 on a.a_rid = xf1.a_rid      
   and xf1.xref_type = 1     
left join b as b_1 on xf1.b_rid = b_1.b_rid       
left join a_xref_b xf2 on a.a_rid = xf2.a_rid      
   and xf2.xref_type = 2
left join b as b_2 on xf2.b_rid = b_2.b_rid 

You need to use a Pivot table or use a SQL statement that give the same kind of result. 您需要使用数据透视表或使用提供相同结果的SQL语句。 For example: 例如:

;WITH    Main
          AS ( SELECT   a1 AS Name
                       ,b1 AS City
                       ,b2 AS Code
               FROM     a_xref_b
                        LEFT JOIN a ON a_xref_b.a_rid = a.a_rid
                        LEFT JOIN b ON a_xref_b.b_rid = b.b_rid
    SELECT  Name
           ,MAX(CASE WHEN xref_type = 1 THEN City
                END) FirstCity
           ,MAX(CASE WHEN xref_type = 1 THEN Code
                END) FirstCode
           ,MAX(CASE WHEN xref_type = 2 THEN City
                END) AlternateCity
           ,MAX(CASE WHEN xref_type = 2 THEN Code
                END) AlternateCode
    FROM    Main
    GROUP BY Name

Another approach could be using Union: 另一种方法可能是使用Union:

select max(name) name, max(id1) id1, max(city1) city1, max(state1) state1, max(id2) id2, max(city2) city2, max(state2) state2
    select a.a1 as name, xf1.b_rid id1, xf1.b1 city1, xf1.b2 state1, null id2, null city2, null state2
    from a left join 
    (select a_rid, b1, b2, b.b_rid from a_xref_b inner join b on a_xref_b.b_rid = b.b_rid 
    where xref_type = 1) xf1 on a.a_rid = xf1.a_rid 
    select a.a1 as name, null id1, null city1, null state1,xf1.b_rid id2, xf1.b1 city2, xf1.b2 state2
    from a left join 
    (select a_rid, b1, b2, b.b_rid from a_xref_b inner join b on a_xref_b.b_rid = b.b_rid 
    where xref_type = 2) xf1 on a.a_rid = xf1.a_rid 
)t group by name


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