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[英]copy from xls document into word using vba

I'm trying to make a code in which to copy charts from a xls file into a word document using the PasteSpecial property (picture(enhanced metafile). I would like to change the existing charts of the document to new ones. So, I thought that using bookmarks for the existing charts would be OK. I'm using OFFICE 2007. 我正在尝试创建一个代码,使用PasteSpecial属性(图片(增强型图元文件)将图表从xls文件复制到word文档。我想将文档的现有图表更改为新图表。所以,我我认为使用现有图表的书签可以。我正在使用OFFICE 2007。

I've written the following code: 我写了以下代码:

        Dim YMApp As Word.Application
        Dim YMDoc As Word.Document
        Dim B as Bookmark
        paaath = "D:\"
        dime = "NameOld.doc"
        dime2 = "NameNew.doc"
        Set YMApp = New Word.Application
        YMApp.Visible = True
        Set YMDoc = YMApp.Documents.Open(paaath & dime)
        Word.Documents(dime).SaveAs (paaath + dime2)
        For k = 1 To 6
            Range("L" + Trim(Str(br(k))) + ":V" + Trim(Str(br(k) + 24))).Select
            ddd = "bm" + Trim(Str(k))
            Set B = YMDoc.Bookmarks(ddd)
            YMApp.Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteMetafilePicture, Placement:=B
        Next k
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

The problem is that by this code the bookmarks which are already created are not recognized. 问题在于,通过此代码,无法识别已创建的书签。 How to cope with the problem? 如何应对这个问题?

The Placement argument of PasteSpecial does not accept a Bookmark object: PasteSpecialPlacement参数不接受Bookmark对象:

Set B = YMDoc.Bookmarks(ddd)
YMApp.Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteMetafilePicture, Placement:=B

Instead, it takes a WdOLEPlacement constant . 相反,它需要一个WdOLEPlacement常量

I think you'll need to select the bookmark before you do the PasteSpecial . 我认为您需要在执行PasteSpecial之前选择书签。 You may need to delete existing chart (if any), also. 您可能还需要删除现有图表(如果有)。

Untested, but I think you need something like this: 未经测试,但我认为你需要这样的东西:

Dim wdRange as Word.Range
Set B = YMDoc.Bookmarks(ddd)
Set wdRange = B.Range

YMApp.Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookMark, Name:=B.Name

' Delete existing shapes & bookmark if any:
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
YMApp.Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteMetafilePicture, Placement:=0 'Or 1

'Add the bookmark back in place:
MDoc.Selection.Bookmarks.Add Name:=ddd, wdRange

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