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SQL Query用于选择每组具有最大值的每一行

[英]SQL Query to select each row with max value per group

I'm very new to SQL and this one has me stumpted. 我对SQL很新,这个让我很难受。 Can you help me out with this query? 你可以帮我解决这个问题吗?

I have the following 2 tables: 我有以下2个表格:

TABLE 1: IssueTable 表1:IssueTable

Id   | RunId | Value
1    | 1     | 10  
2    | 1     | 20  
3    | 1     | 30  
4    | 2     | 40  
5    | 2     | 50  
6    | 3     | 60 
7    | 4     | 70 
8    | 5     | 80 
9    | 6     | 90 

TABLE 2: RunTable 表2:RunTable

RunId     | EnvironmentId
1         | 1
2         | 3
3         | 1
4         | 2
5         | 4
6         | 2

I need the IssueTable rows that represent the Max RunId grouped by the EnvironmentId in the RunTable. 我需要IssueTable行来表示由RunTable中的EnvironmentId分组的Max RunId。 The result I would need from the tables is: 我需要从表中得到的结果是:


Id   | RunId | Value | EnvironmentId
4    | 2     | 40    | 3
5    | 2     | 50    | 3
6    | 3     | 60    | 1
8    | 5     | 80    | 4
9    | 6     | 90    | 2

So only the rows with the most recent/highest RunId from the RunTable per EnvironmentId. 因此,每个EnvironmentId只有RunTable中具有最新/最高RunId的行。 For example, for the EnvironmentId of "1", I only want rows that contain a RunId of "3" because the most recent RunId on EnvironmentId "1" from the RunTable is "3". 例如,对于EnvironmentId为“1”,我只想要包含RunId为“3”的行,因为来自RunTable的EnvironmentId“1”上的最新RunId为“3”。 Likewise, the most recent run for EnvironementId "2" was RunId "6" 同样,EnvironementId“2”的最新一次运行是RunId“6”

Use a subquery to get the max runid for each environmentid from the runtable. 使用子查询从runtable获取每个环境的最大runid。 Join the obtained result to the issuetable and select the required columns. 将获得的结果加入issuetable并选择所需的列。

select i.id, i.runid, i.value, r.environmentid
from (select environmentid, max(runid) maxrunid
      from runtable 
      group by environmentid) r
join issuetable i on i.runid = r.maxrunid
order by i.runid, i.id

These days one can use the analytical functions like RANK, DENSE_RANK, ROW_NUMBER to generate some ranking of your records. 这些天,人们可以使用RANK,DENSE_RANK,ROW_NUMBER等分析函数来生成一些记录排名。

Window functions are part of the ANSI SQL:2003 standard. 窗口函数是ANSI SQL:2003标准的一部分。
And I've at least encountered them on TeraData, Oracle and SQL-Server. 我至少在TeraData, Oracle和SQL-Server上遇到过它们。

select Id, RunId, Value, EnvironmentId
from (
  select i.*, r.EnvironmentId,
  dense_rank() over (partition by r.EnvironmentId order by r.RunId desc) as RN
  from issuetable i
  inner join runtable r on (i.RunId = r.RunId)
) Q
where RN = 1
order by Id;

The inner query would yield the following results : 内部查询将产生以下结果:

Id  RunId   Value   EnvironmentId   RN
1   1       10      1               2
2   1       20      1               2
3   1       30      1               2
4   2       40      3               1
5   2       50      3               1
6   3       60      1               1
7   4       70      2               2
8   5       80      4               1
9   6       90      2               1

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