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[英]Line Profiling inner function with Cython

I've had pretty good success using this answer to profile my Cython code, but it doesn't seem to work properly with nested functions. 使用此答案来分析我的Cython代码,我已经取得了很大的成功,但是它似乎无法与嵌套函数一起正常工作。 In this notebook you can see that the profile doesn't appear when the line profiler is used on a nested function. 此笔记本中,您可以看到在嵌套函数上使用线剖析器时,剖析没有出现。 Is there a way to get this to work? 有没有办法让它工作?

tl,dr: tl,dr:

This is seems to be an issue with Cython , there's a hackish way that does the trick but isn't reliable, you could use it for one-off cases until this issue has been fixed * Cython似乎是一个问题,有一种Cython的方法可以解决问题,但并不可靠,您可以将它用于一次性情况,直到解决此问题为止*

Change the line_profiler source: 更改line_profiler源:

I can't be 100% sure for this but it is working, what you need to do is download the source for line_profiler and go fiddle around in python_trace_callback . 我不能百分百确定这一点,但是它能正常工作,您需要做的是下载line_profiler的源代码,然后python_trace_callbackpython_trace_callback After the code object is obtained from the current frame of execution ( code = <object>py_frame.f_code ), add the following: 从当前执行框架( code = <object>py_frame.f_code )获得code对象之后,添加以下内容:

if what == PyTrace_LINE or what == PyTrace_RETURN:
    code = <object>py_frame.f_code

    # Add entry for code object with different address if and only if it doesn't already
    # exist **but** the name of the function is in the code_map
    if code not in self.code_map and code.co_name in {co.co_name for co in self.code_map}:
        for co in self.code_map:
            # make condition as strict as necessary
            cond = co.co_name == code.co_name and co.co_code == code.co_code
            if cond:
                del self.code_map[co]
                self.code_map[code] = {}

This will replace the code object in self.code_map with the one currently executing that matches its name and co.co_code contents. 这会将self.code_map的代码对象替换为与其名称和co.co_code内容匹配的当前正在执行的对象。 co.co_code is b'' for Cython , so in essence in matches Cython functions with that name. co.co_codeb''Cython ,所以在比赛的本质Cython使用该名称的功能。 Here is where it can become more robust and match more attributes of a code object (for example, the filename). 在这里它可以变得更加健壮并匹配code对象的更多属性(例如,文件名)。

You can then procceed to build it with python setup.py build_ext and install with sudo python setup.py install . 然后,您可以使用python setup.py build_ext build_ext进行构建,并使用sudo python setup.py install I'm currently building it with python setup.py build_ext --inplace in order to work with it locally, I'd suggest you do too . 我目前正在使用python setup.py build_ext --inplace构建它,以便在本地使用它,我建议您也这样做 If you do build it with --inplace make sure you navigate to the folder containing the source for line_profiler before import ing it. 如果确实使用--inplace构建它, --inplace确保在import之前导航到包含line_profiler源的文件夹。

So, in the folder containing the built shared library for line_profiler I set up a cyclosure.pyx file containing your functions: 因此,在包含为line_profiler构建的共享库的文件夹中,我设置了一个包含您的函数的cyclosure.pyx文件:

def outer_func(int n):
    def inner_func(int c):
        cdef int i
        for i in range(n):
        return c
    return inner_func

And an equivalent setup_cyclosure.py script in order to build it: 还有一个等效的setup_cyclosure.py脚本来构建它:

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize
from Cython.Compiler.Options import directive_defaults

directive_defaults['binding'] = True
directive_defaults['linetrace'] = True

extensions = [Extension("cyclosure", ["cyclosure.pyx"], define_macros=[('CYTHON_TRACE', '1')])]
setup(name = 'Testing', ext_modules = cythonize(extensions))

As previously, the build was performed with python setup_cyclosure.py build_ext --inplace . 和以前一样,构建是通过python setup_cyclosure.py build_ext --inplace

Launching your interpreter from the current folder and issuing the following yields the wanted results: 从当前文件夹启动解释器并发出以下命令,从而得到所需的结果:

>>> import line_profiler
>>> from cyclosure import outer_func
>>> f = outer_func(5)
>>> prof = line_profiler.LineProfiler(f)
>>> prof.runcall(f, 5)

>>> prof.print_stats()
Timer unit: 1e-06 s

Total time: 1.2e-05 s
File: cyclosure.pyx

Function: inner_func at line 2

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
     2                                               def inner_func(int c):
     3                                                   cdef int i
     4         1            5      5.0     41.7          for i in range(n):
     5         5            6      1.2     50.0               c+=i
     6         1            1      1.0      8.3          return c  

Issue with IPython %%cython : IPython %%cython

Trying to run this from IPython results in an unfortunate situation. 尝试从IPython运行此操作会导致不幸的情况。 While executing, the code object doesn't store the path to the file where it was defined, it simply stored the filename. 执行时, code对象不存储定义文件的路径,而只是存储文件名。 Since I simply drop the code object into the self.code_map dictionary and since code objects have read-only Attributes, we lose the file path information when using it from IPython (because it stores the files generated from %%cython in a temporary directory). 由于我只是将code对象放入self.code_map字典中,并且代码对象具有只读属性,因此从IPython使用它时,我们会丢失文件路径信息(因为它会将%%cython生成的文件存储在临时目录中) 。

Because of that, you do get the profiling statistics for your code but you get no contents for the contents. 因此,您的确获得了代码的性能分析统计信息,但没有任何内容。 One might be able to forcefully copy the filenames between the two code objects in question but that's another issue altogether. 一个人也许可以在两个有问题的代码对象之间强行复制文件名,但这是另一个问题。

* The Issue: *问题:

The issue here is that for some reason, when dealing with nested and/or enclosed functions, there's an abnormality with the address of the code object when it is created and while it is being interpreted in one of Pythons frames. 这里的问题是由于某种原因,在处理嵌套和/或封闭函数时,在创建代码对象以及在Python框架之一中解释代码对象时,其地址存在异常。 The issue you were facing was caused by the following condition not being satisfied : 您遇到的问题是由于不满足以下条件引起的:

    if code in self.code_map:

Which was odd. 真奇怪 Creating your function in IPython and adding it to the LineProfiler did indeed add it to the self.code_map dictionary: 实际上,在IPython创建函数并将其添加到LineProfiler确实确实将其添加到了self.code_map字典中:

prof = line_profiler.LineProfiler(f)

Out[16]: {<code object inner_func at 0x7f5c65418f60, file "/home/jim/.cache/ipython/cython/_cython_magic_1b89b9cdda195f485ebb96a104617e9c.pyx", line 2>: {}}

When the time came to actually test the previous condition though, and the current code object was snatched from the current execution frame with code = <object>py_frame.f_code , the address of the code object was different: 但是,当实际测试先前条件的时间到了,并且当前代码对象是使用code = <object>py_frame.f_code从当前执行帧中抢夺的时, code = <object>py_frame.f_code的地址是不同的:

 # this was obtained with a basic print(code) in _line_profiler.pyx
 code object inner_func at 0x7f7a54e26150

indicating it was re-created. 表示已重新创建。 This only happens with Cython and when a function is defined inside another function. 仅当Cython以及在另一个函数中定义一个函数时,才会发生这种情况。 Either this or something that I am completely missing. 这或者我完全不了解的东西。

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