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[英]How to invoke Ant in Jenkins pipeline job using groovy script?

I am changing my Freestyle Jenkins job configuration to Pipeline. 我正在将Freestyle Jenkins作业配置更改为Pipeline。 I need to Invoke Ant to perform LogPublisherTask and ArtifactFilePublisherTask. 我需要调用Ant来执行LogPublisherTask和ArtifactFilePublisherTask。 How is it performed using Groovy scripting? 使用Groovy脚本如何执行?

You invoke ant just like you do it with maven (take a look at examples https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/jenkinsfile/ ): 您可以像使用maven一样调用ant(请看示例https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/jenkinsfile/ ):

 node ('linux'){
  stage 'Build and Test'
  env.PATH = "${tool 'Ant'}/bin:${env.PATH}"
  checkout scm
  sh 'ant build'

The tasks themselves should be configured in the build.xml . 任务本身应在build.xml进行配置。

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