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Mapbox GL绘制线条和贝塞尔曲线

[英]Mapbox GL draw lines and bezier

There is some way to draw line inside Mapbox GL? 有一些方法可以在Mapbox GL中绘制线条吗? For example, i need to draw some lines (straight or curve) that connect my markers. 例如,我需要画一些连接我的标记的线(直线或曲线)。 With Mapbox i can use Arc.js but i don't know if there already exist some solution for Mapbox GL. 使用Mapbox我可以使用Arc.js,但我不知道是否已经存在Mapbox GL的某些解决方案。

I found mapbox-gl-draw ( https://bl.ocks.org/danswick/083a0b48c2cc78c4a08d ) but it seems just a tool to use inside a map... but i don't see any API to for draw using javascript. 我找到了mapbox-gl-draw( https://bl.ocks.org/danswick/083a0b48c2cc78c4a08d ),但它似乎只是一个在地图中使用的工具......但我没有看到任何使用javascript绘制的API。

I also found this Tesspathy ( http://gree.github.io/tesspathy/ ) and maybe one solution could be using it to draw inside a map's context. 我也发现了这个Tesspathy( http://gree.github.io/tesspathy/ ),也许一个解决方案可以用它来绘制地图的上下文。

What do you think? 你怎么看? What could be the best way? 什么是最好的方式? Thanks! 谢谢!

The preferred way to draw lines within Mapbox GL JS is to express the lines as GeoJSON and add them to the map as a GeoJSONSource / line layer pair. 在Mapbox GL JS中绘制线条的首选方法是将线条表示为GeoJSON,并将它们作为GeoJSONSource /线图层对添加到地图中。

You might find this example of drawing a GeoJSON line and this example of drawing a great arc line helpful. 您可能会发现这个绘制GeoJSON线的 示例,这个绘制一条很棒的弧线的示例很有帮助。

mapbox-gl-draw is the Mapbox supported GeoJSON drawing tool for mapbox-gl. mapbox-gl-draw是Mapbox支持的Mapbox-gl GeoJSON绘图工具。 It creates GeoJSON which does not support bezier curves, but it can be used to draw LineStrings. 它创建了不支持贝塞尔曲线的GeoJSON,但它可用于绘制LineStrings。

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