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[英]Connecting Bluetooth Health Devices with Android Application


Technically possible but haven't found a generic app supporting multiple type of sensors(devices). 在技​​术上可行,但尚未找到支持多种传感器(设备)的通用应用程序。 Haven't seen an app that records both Bluetooth Blood Pressure monitors, bluetooth oximeters, bluetooth weight scales and bluetooth heart rate straps etc. There are apps from suppliers of sensors but haven't seen one supporting multiple sensors. 尚未见过同时记录蓝牙血压计,蓝牙血氧仪,蓝牙体重秤和蓝牙心率表带等的应用程序。有传感器供应商提供的应用程序,但还没有一个支持多个传感器的应用程序。 Some sports apps support of recording heart rate straps and oximeters but not any other. 一些运动应用程序支持记录心率表带和血氧仪,但不支持其他任何功能。

Technically they all use generic protocols and streams for one type of sensor but seems like developers are not interested in all types of sensors, not even most. 从技术上讲,它们都对一种类型的传感器使用通用协议和流,但是似乎开发人员对所有类型的传感器都不感兴趣,甚至对大多数类型的传感器都不感兴趣。

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