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[英]dbus-send not working in shell script

I want Bluetooth tethering between my laptop (Debian 8) and my smartphone (Android). 我想在笔记本电脑(Debian 8)和智能手机(Android)之间进行蓝牙网络共享。

At the arch linux wiki ( https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/android_tethering#Tethering_via_Bluetooth ) i found this command: bus-send --system --type=method_call --dest='org.bluez' '/org/bluez/hci0/dev_C0_EE_FB_20_D7_00' org.bluez.Network1.Connect string:'nap' bus-send --system --type=method_call --dest='org.bluez' '/org/bluez/hci0/dev_C0_EE_FB_20_D7_00' org.bluez.Network1.Connect string:'nap' Linux Wiki( https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/android_tethering#Tethering_via_Bluetooth )上,我找到了以下命令: bus-send --system --type=method_call --dest='org.bluez' '/org/bluez/hci0/dev_C0_EE_FB_20_D7_00' org.bluez.Network1.Connect string:'nap'

When i execute it in the normal terminal everything works fine. 当我在普通终端中执行它时,一切正常。 For my purpose i need to call this command in a QT application. 为了我的目的,我需要在QT应用程序中调用此命令。 Because of this i created a shell script. 因此,我创建了一个shell脚本。 But when executing the script nothing happens. 但是执行脚本时什么也没发生。 Same result when calling the command inside a new shell ( sh ). 在新的外壳程序( sh )中调用命令时,结果相同。

Does anybody have an idea how to get this working or another way? 有谁知道如何使这种工作或其他方式吗? My normal terminal is the default Debian terminal, ' Root Terminal '. 我的普通终端是默认的Debian终端“ Root Terminal ”。

Thank you 谢谢

I solved it using the QDBus object. 我使用QDBus对象解决了它。 First i create the following two methods: 首先,我创建以下两种方法:

QString MainWindow::getDBusInterface(){
    QString interface = "/org/bluez/hci0/dev";
    QStringList macParts = ui->selectedMac->text().toUpper().split(":");
    for (int i = 0; i < macParts.length(); i++){
        interface.append("_").append(macParts[i]); //MAC address to connect to from GUI
    return interface;


QDBusMessage MainWindow::sendDBus(QString destination, QString path, QString interface, QString method, QList<QVariant> arguments){
    QDBusMessage response;

    QDBusConnection system = QDBusConnection::systemBus();
    if (!system.isConnected())
        qFatal("Cannot connect to the D-Bus session bus.");
        return response;

    QDBusMessage message2 = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(destination, path, interface, method);


    // synchronous call (not recommended, blocking)
    response = QDBusConnection::systemBus().call(message2);
    qDebug() << "response is: " << response;

    return response;

Finally i call: 最后我打电话给:

QString interface = getDBusInterface();

QList<QVariant> arguments;
QDBusMessage response = sendDBus("org.bluez",

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