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Access SQL:根据条件更新一对多关系中的子项

[英]Access SQL: Updating Children in a 1 to Many relationship based on criteria

My question is given a 1-Many relation ship where the children are stored on 1 ChildTable,我的问题是一个 1-Many 关系,其中孩子存储在 1 ChildTable 上,

 ChildID | ParentID | Data2 | InputDate 
  1      |  345     |   100 | 3-5-2016
  2      |  345     |   0   | 3-12-2016
  3      |  345     |  150  | 3-19-2016
  4      |  345     |   0   | 4-20-2016
 ... more children with different parent IDs

and also given that the parents are stored on their own ParentTable with ParentID... Data etc.并且还考虑到父母存储在他们自己的 ParentTable 中,带有 ParentID... 数据等。

My question is how does one partition or update query a similar database so that if the data column has a value 0 then it updates with the last input data.我的问题是一个分区或更新如何查询类似的数据库,以便如果数据列的值为 0,则它会使用最后一个输入数据进行更新。 (Say a web scraper failed to pull the data and I want to approximate for analysis). (假设网络爬虫未能提取数据,我想进行近似分析)。 The raw data doesn't have to be updated on the base table, but also could be updated in a query pulling it.原始数据不必在基表上更新,也可以在拉取它的查询中更新。 I believe there's a way using SQL to make this doable.我相信有一种方法可以使用 SQL 来实现这一点。 My attempt was incredibly slow and didn't work for unknown reasons..我的尝试非常缓慢,并且由于未知原因没有奏效。

I've tried writing some VBA-Access code to loop through a flat file ChildTable + ParentTable and update every 0-value cell in the column Data using an SQL Lookup.我尝试编写一些 VBA-Access 代码来遍历平面文件 ChildTable + ParentTable 并使用 SQL 查找更新列数据中的每个 0 值单元格。 If the cell = 0 then go to last available data that is nonzero.如果单元格 = 0,则转到最后一个非零的可用数据。 The problem si that this takes years to run.这需要数年才能运行的问题。

Option Compare Database

Sub SoldOut()
On Error GoTo ProcError
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("MainDataTable") 'This is the flat file version of the data above

'Check to see if the recordset actually contains rows
If Not (rs.EOF And rs.BOF) Then
    rs.MoveFirst 'Unnecessary in this case, but still a good habit
    Do Until rs.EOF = True
    GetLastWeek = 0
        If Not rs("Data") > 0 Then
            rs("Data") = GetLastWeek(rs('ChildID'), rs('ParentID'), rs('Data'), rs('InputDate'))
        End If

        'Move to the next record. Don't ever forget to do this.
    MsgBox "There are no records in the recordset."
End If

On Error Resume Next
rs.Close 'Close the recordset
Set rs = Nothing 'Clean up
Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume ProcExit

End Sub

Private Function GetLastWeek(ChildID, ParentID As Long, InputDate As Date) As Integer
    'given a record it looks up the weeks before and returns it if it exists
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset, strSQL As String, rc As Integer ' SQL Code for seeing if last week's data exists.

    strSQL = "SELECT * " & _
    "FROM MainDataTable " & _
    "WHERE MainDataTable.[ParentId] = " & ParentID & "AND MainDataTable.[InputDate] <# " & InputDate & "AND NOT MainDataTable.[Data] = 0 
    ORDER BY MainDataTable.[InputDate] DESC;"

    Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL): rst.MoveLast: rst.MoveFirst
    rc = rst.RecordCount
    If rc = 0 Then GoTo Cleanup 'if no record, then we are out of luck
    If rc > 0 Then 'If there's some Record
        Do Until rs.EOF = True Or GetLastWeek > 0
            Dim price As Integer: price = rst("Data")
            If price > 0 Then: GetLastWeek = price
    End If

    Set rst = Nothing
    If GetLastWeek = 0 Then GetLastWeek = 1 '1 means no data was found
    'Set so the output if nothing is found to 1 so that the code doesn't have to run on the same rows every single week
End Function

I'm not sure how what you have can work, but all you should have to do is iterate through your main table ordered by parentid, date asc and then save the parentID and data value for use in the next iteration ( Dim lDataValPrev as long ) as long as it's non-zero.我不确定你有什么可以工作,但你应该做的就是遍历按parentid, date asc排序的主表parentid, date asc ,然后保存 parentID 和数据值以供下一次迭代使用( Dim lDataValPrev as long ) 只要它不为零。 If the current data value is zero and the parentID hasn't changed, replace it with the previous value you stored.如果当前数据值为零且 parentID 未更改,请将其替换为您存储的先前值。 You should only have to go through your data once with no additional calls.您应该只需要浏览一次您的数据,无需额外调用。

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