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mongo 中的聚合查询有效,Pymongo 中无效

[英]Aggregate query in mongo works, does not in Pymongo

I encountered a problem.我遇到了一个问题。 I try to query this document to obtain the sum the amount and group by the LOC identifier that is outside the "COL" array.我尝试通过“COL”数组之外的 LOC 标识符查询此文档以获取金额和分组的总和。

"_id" : ObjectId("57506d74c469888f0d631be6"),
"LOC" : "User001",
"COL" : [ 
        "date" : "25/03/2016",
        "number" : "Folio009",
        "amount" : 100
        "date" : "25/04/2016",
        "number" : "Folio010",
        "amount" : 100

] } ] }

This command works in mongo but I cannot make it work in Python with the Pymongo package:此命令在 mongo 中有效,但我无法使用 Pymongo 包使其在 Python 中运行:

Mongo query (working) Mongo 查询(工作)

db.perfiles.aggregate({"$unwind": "$COL"},
{ "$group": { _id: "$LOC", "sum" : {"$sum" : "$COL.amount" }}})

Pymongo (not working) Pymongo(不工作)

from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient()

db = client['temporal']

docs = db.perfiles

pipeline = [{"$unwind": "$COL"},
     {"$group": {"_id": "$LOC", "count": {"$sum": "$COL.amount"}}}


Any suggestion to query this same query but in Pymongo?有什么建议可以在 Pymongo 中查询相同的查询? Thanks!谢谢!

I assume you have a valid connection to MongoDB in Python.我假设您在 Python 中有一个到 MongoDB 的有效连接。
The following code snippet will return a MongoDB cursor in result.以下代码片段将在result.返回一个 MongoDB 游标result.

pipeline = [
    {"$unwind": "$COL"},
    {"$group": {"_id": "$LOC", "sum": {"$sum": "$COL.amount"}}}

cursor = collection.aggregate(pipeline)

Now you can convert cursor to list现在您可以将cursor转换为列表

result = list(cursor)

and if you print result's value, you'll get exactly the same result as in your Shell query.如果您打印结果的值,您将获得与 Shell 查询完全相同的结果。

[{u'sum': 200.0, u'_id': u'User001'}]

Update :更新

I see that you are calling the aggregate function in python code as db.docs.aggregate(pipeline) .我看到你在 python 代码中调用aggregate函数作为db.docs.aggregate(pipeline) You need to call it as docs.aggregate... without db .您需要将其称为docs.aggregate...不带db See example above.请参阅上面的示例。

MongoDB Enterprise > db.test.aggregate([{$match:{name:'prasad'}},{$group : {_id : "$name", age : {$min : "$age"}}}]);
{ "_id" : "prasad", "age" : "20" }
MongoDB Enterprise > db.test.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5890543bce1477899c6f05e8"), "name" : "prasad", "age" : "22" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5890543fce1477899c6f05e9"), "name" : "prasad", "age" : "21" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("58905443ce1477899c6f05ea"), "name" : "prasad", "age" : "20" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5890544bce1477899c6f05eb"), "name" : "durga", "age" : "20" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("58905451ce1477899c6f05ec"), "name" : "durga", "age" : "21" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("58905454ce1477899c6f05ed"), "name" : "durga", "age" : "22" }
MongoDB Enterprise >    


import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
db=client.prasad      #####prasad is dbname, test is collection name
aggregation_string=[{"$match":{"name":nameVar}},{"$group" : {"_id" : "$name", "age" : {"$min" : "$age"}}}]
print x
for r in x:
        print(min_age[1])      #######output:      20
you are in a right track but add one more statement it will be fine.
    from pymongo import MongoClient

    client = MongoClient()

    db = client['temporal']

    docs = db.perfiles

    pipeline = [{"$unwind": "$COL"},
         {"$group": {"_id": "$LOC", "count": {"$sum": "$COL.amount"}}}

    result = list(db.docs.aggregate(pipeline))

    for i in result:

        sum += i['sum']


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