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在Windows Phone上禁止窗口模式

[英]Disallow windowed mode on Windows Phone

We are about to create Windows Phone Cordova app for one particular model of tablet and for landscape position of screen. 我们将为一种特定型号的平板电脑和屏幕横向位置创建Windows Phone Cordova应用程序。 Our concern is that Windows Phone allows user to display several apps side by side. 我们担心的是Windows Phone允许用户并排显示多个应用程序。 Can we somehow disallow this feature? 我们可以以某种方式禁止此功能吗?

Here. 这里。 Try This. 尝试这个。

ApplicationView.PreferredLaunchWindowingMode = ApplicationViewWindowingMode.FullScreen;

This should be in App.Xaml on OnLaunched 这应该在OnLaunched上的App.Xaml中

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