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[英]Sending HTTP request using Scalatra & Scala

I have a Scalatra web application, when a user sends a get request to the server, ie. 当用户向服务器发送获取请求时,我有一个Scalatra Web应用程序。 www.example.com/getsomething it routes to the following code: www.example.com/getsomething会路由到以下代码:

class ExampleServlet extends ScalatraServlet {
   get("/getsomething") { 
    //code here

In the body of the get I would like to send out another get request to another server and capture the JSON that is sent back eg: 在获取的主体中,我想向另一个服务器发送另一个获取请求,并捕获发送回的JSON,例如:

var JSONback = GetRequest("www.SomeOtherApi.com/getsomeJSON")

How would I achieve something like this? 我将如何实现这样的目标?

Thanks 谢谢

For basic needs you could use scala.io.Source 对于基本需求,您可以使用scala.io.Source

res10: String =
<!doctype html><html itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/WebPage"     ="de"><head><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"

For more sophisticated use cases you can use any http-client-library like: 对于更复杂的用例,您可以使用任何http-client-library,例如:

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