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[英]MongoDB (Node.js) returning data to an array

So I have this set of data in a mongo collection, and I need the temperature and time to be returned in separate array for a device I ask for. 因此,我将这组数据存储在mongo集合中,我需要将温度和时间以单独的数组形式返回给我要的设备。

device01t: [32.00, 42.00] device01d: [date, date] or device02t [22.00, 43.00] etc. device01t:[32.00,42.00] device01d:[date,date]或device02t [22.00,43.00]等

    "_id" : "device01",
    "event" : [
                    "temperature" : "32.00",
                    "when" : ISODate("2016-07-02T00:21:41.441Z")
                    "temperature" : "42.00",
                    "when" : ISODate("2016-07-02T00:21:46.766Z")
    "_id" : "device02",
    "event" : [
                    "temperature" : "22.00",
                    "when" : ISODate("2016-06-02T00:21:41.441Z")
                    "temperature" : "43.00",
                    "when" : ISODate("2016-07-02T00:21:46.766Z")

I am using mqtt(irrelevant to the question), but I'm posting the data into the collection using 我正在使用mqtt(与问题无关),但是我正在使用以下方法将数据发布到集合中

  { _id:key },  //key extracted from device topic
  { $push:  { event: { value:String(payload), when:new Date() } }  },
  { upsert:true },

I tried using Node.js code (default MongoDB driver) to extract the temperature values of a device: 我尝试使用Node.js代码(默认的MongoDB驱动程序)提取设备的温度值:

var resultArray = [];
    mongo.connect(url, function(err, db) {
    var cursor = db.collection('test_mqtt').find({"_id":"device01"},{"event.value":1,"_id":0});
         cursor.forEach(function(doc, err) {
}, function() {

but this doesn't get back an array with each value in its own slot like I intended. 但这并不会像我想要的那样取回每个值都在其自己的插槽中的数组。 Should the schema be changed or am I missing something about how Mongo's find() works? 应该更改架构还是我缺少有关Mongo的find()工作原理的信息?

With .aggregate we have $unwind and $group which may be useful here 使用.aggregate我们有$unwind$group在这里可能有用

    {$unwind: '$event'},
    {$group: {
        _id: '$_id',
        t: {$push: '$event.temperature'}
        d: {$push: '$event.when'}
    _id: "device01",
    t: ["32.00", "42.00"],
    d: [ISODate("2016-07-02T00:21:41.441Z"), ISODate("2016-07-02T00:21:46.766Z")]
}, {

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