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[英]In R, add a trace in a density plotly

Using the plotly package in R, I would like to do a desity plot. 使用R中的plotly包,我想做一个desity图。 Actually, I need to add one more density line in my graph. 实际上,我需要在图中添加一条密度线。 I have a data with the income information of some public company by geographical region. 我有一个数据,其中包含按地区列出的一些上市公司的收入信息。 Something like this 像这样

id    income region 
  1     4556     1
  2     6545     1
  3    65465     2
  4    54555     1
  5    71442     2
  6     5645     6

In a first moment, I analysed 5 and 6 regions' income with the following density plot 首先,我用以下密度图分析了5个地区和6个地区的收入

reg56<- data[data$region %in% c(5,6) , ]
dens <- with(reg56, tapply(income, INDEX = region, density))
df <- data.frame(
x = unlist(lapply(dens, "[[", "x")),
y = unlist(lapply(dens, "[[", "y")),
cut = rep(names(dens), each = length(dens[[1]]$x))

# plot the density 
p<- plot_ly(df, x = x, y = y, color = cut) 

But, I want more than this. 但是,我不仅仅想要这个。 I would like to add the total income, ie the income of all regions. 我想加上总收入,即所有地区的收入。 I tried something this 我尝试了这个

data$aux<- 1
dens2 <- with(data, tapply(income, INDEX = 1, density)) 
df2 <- data.frame(
 x = unlist(lapply(dens2, "[[", "x")),
 y = unlist(lapply(dens2, "[[", "y")),
 cut = rep(names(dens2), each = length(dens2[[1]]$x)) )

p<- plot_ly(df, x = x, y = y, color = cut) 
p<-  add_trace(p, df2, x = x, y = y, color = cut)  
Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : 
'options' must be a fully named list, or have no names (NULL)

Some solution for this? 一些解决方案?

Because you are not naming the parameters that you pass to add_trace , it interprets them as corresponding to the default parameter order. 由于您没有命名传递给add_trace的参数,因此它将其解释为与默认参数顺序相对应。 The usage of add_trace is add_trace的用法是

add_trace(p = last_plot(), ..., group, color, colors, symbol, symbols, size, data = NULL, evaluate = FALSE) add_trace(p = last_plot(),...,组,颜色,颜色,符号,符号,大小,数据= NULL,评估=假)

So, in your function call where you provide the data.frame df2 as the 2nd parameter, this is assumed to be correspond to the ... parameter, which must be a named list. 因此,在将data.frame df2作为第二个参数的函数调用中,假定它与...参数相对应,该参数必须是一个命名列表。 You need to specify data = df2 , so that add_trace understands what this parameter is. 您需要指定data = df2 ,以便add_trace理解此参数是什么。

Lets generate some dummy data to demonstrate on 让我们生成一些虚拟数据来演示

data <- data.frame(id=1:500, income = round(rnorm(500,50000,15000)), region=sample(6,500,replace=T) )

Now, (after calculating df and df2 as in your example): 现在,(在按照您的示例计算dfdf2之后):

p <- plot_ly(df, x = x, y = y, color = cut) %>%
  add_trace(data=df2, x = x, y = y, color = cut)  


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