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[英]Modifying a pointer to an array in a function

I have a problem with passing an array to a function and then modifying it. 我有一个问题,将数组传递给函数,然后修改它。 For example: 例如:

void foo(int ** a) {
  int * b = new int[3]
  //Initialize b, i.e b = {3, 2, 1}
  a = &b;
  //*a = {3, 2, 1}

int * c = new int[3]
//Initialize c; c = {1, 2, 3}
// c is still {1, 2, 3}. Why?

I'm not really sure why c doesn't point to the same array as b . 我不太确定为什么c不指向与b相同的数组。

a has type int** and it's passed by value, so modifying it does not modify c . a具有类型int**并且它是按值传递的,因此修改它不会修改c

To modify it, you have to do this: 要修改它,您必须这样做:

  *a = b;

By doing this, you assign the address of b to the variable pointed by *a (which corresponds to c ), so they will point to the same array. 通过这样做,您将b的地址分配给*a指向的变量(对应于c ),因此它们将指向同一个数组。

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